Hey everyone. I've been checking out this forum for a while, but this is my first post. I have a question that I hope someone can answer for me.
I have been working on learning C++ for about 2 months now and am beginning to grasp the basics more and more now. I have always been interested in computers and programming, and would like to one day get into the programming field. My question is this: What is the best way to go about getting into this field?
I am 27, work as a welder (a mind-numbing job), and have a family. School would be kinda tough, because it would have to be in the evenings and I'd never see my kids. I know that there aren't really any 'tricks' for getting into a programming job, but I was hoping some of you would have some advice/personal experiences that would help me out.
I am serious about learning C++ and am devoting as much time to it as I can.
Thanks any and all for the advice! :cheesy:


>>What is the best way to go about getting into this field?

get a college degree in computer science or some related field. competition is fierce today and you need all the edge you can get. At your age and with a young family to support that is going to be really tough. But entry into the field is next to impossible without the degree (unlike it was 20 years ago).

You might check out a local temp agency -- sometimes they hire people to fill entry leftl positions.

Yeah, that's kinda what I am comming to realize. Thanks for the reply.
---nice to see someone else from St. Louis area on here!

Remember also that now you are competing in a global market. If you go into computer science with an eye to writing programs as your only job, you will be competing with many other (offshore) programmers.
These days it might be better to go into a field such as MIS that requires on-site people to keep the systems running. If you find an MIS job with a concentration on programming, you'll probably be OK.
Speaking for the MIS department where I work (and I don't work in that department), our only programmer (an experienced MIS guy) left for another job and is now contracting the programming end of updating ourr systems.
Just my 2 cents.

Get that degree. I was 38 years old when I finished mine. Every day I am glad I did. Yeah, its tough. Do it anyway.

I just wanted to tell you that I am currently a student getting my Associates in IT. Although my course covers different areas of IT; such as computer networking, information systems, and I am currently working on the fundamentals of programming and my next block of classes will cover Java Programming.
My advice to you would be to take some online courses. I am a single mother of three and I work all day, take care of my children and do my homework from the comfort of my own home. My school is on my bed with my laptop in my pajamas.
So don't think that it cannot be done.
Also, I go to Barnes and Nobles and the library..as well as search the web for as much information as I can. You can self learn....well, at least familiarize yourself with fundamentals. Ask for help, get in contact with people who know what they are doing, that is why I joined this group. Good Luck!

You gotta get the degree or some well known diploma or other qualification that's a definite, cos you need to get to the interview room at a minimum. Agencies are a good source of knowledge about the industry but choose carefully, they should know what the employers are after so give you an idea of what you need to get the job. Look for agencies that specialise in I.T.

I started at the bottom as desktop support junior. Ok I didn't have a family then, but it was a foot in the door. I had no computer qualifications (but I did have university business diploma you gotta get the degree or HND or whatever you can get even if it's not computer related) I was just familiar with computers from having used them from age 10 so I winged it. From there the company paid for me to do courses and I taught myself how to program and made some usefull tools for the company, they liked it so they created a development role and hired two more. I left there after 7 years and am now a fully fledged web developer. I'm still not earning mega bucks, but I enjoy my job and that's worth a lot. I don't beleive it's necessary to earn millions anyway to have a rich life.

Good luck

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