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Reverend Jim commented: Extra credit - show that you have actually tried to do this yourself. -3

i try but i didn't get the right input

i try but i didn't get the right input

Your program doesn't have any input. Your problem is in lines 23-49. Here is the correct code.

Can you please show the code you’ve attempted so far? We can help you if you show us what you tried and where your stuck. It’s considered rude to just ask us to do your homework for you.

Since when is this site helping scholars with their homework?


I see Reverend Jim only called out what lines were in error and offered correct code. This is not doing their homework as you can see from the code exchanged above.

That said, do you see the errors above?

commented: Reverend Jim is ok, but i find this site is being flushed with homework requests more and more and that should be discouraged more intensively +2

You do realize my answer was rife with sarcasm. I provided exactly as much good code as the OP provided bad code.

Since when is this site helping scholars with their homework?

Since forever.
We have always been ready to help people learn by explaining where they have gone wrong, or providing guidance when they get lost.
BUT we insist that they first show some effort themselves.
We never do homework for people, and are highly intolerant of people who just post their assignment and expect us to post the code.

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