Is there some sort of wildcard search function in C? Detailed explanation.

<blah="*" uid="ekdopakek">

So let's just say we've got this
48764546545blah<blah="whatever" uid="ekdopakek">blahblahblah

I'm looking for a function that will return the whatever, and just the whatever (nothing else).


>> Is there some sort of wildcard search function in C?


>>Detailed explanation.

write your own. c++ boost libraries have regexp libraries, but of course that isn't C.

>> Is there some sort of wildcard search function in C?


>>Detailed explanation.

write your own. c++ boost libraries have regexp libraries, but of course that isn't C.

Here is something in C from GNU that might interest you.

Try the pcre library as well.

I want writing modeling of strstr() code without using <string.h>
please help me if possibele for you.

if you can't use functions in string.h or other libraries, then you will have to do it the hard way -- write your search function. A simple one is not really all that hard to do. just write your own strstr() function.

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