hello, i am using picture box, and coding on form load

P1.Picture = "D:\My Document\My Pictures\Display Picture\ICE.BMP"

why it gives "TYPE MISSMACH" Error.

plz reply soon.


hello, i am using picture box, and coding on form load

P1.Picture = "D:\My Document\My Pictures\Display Picture\ICE.BMP"

why it gives "TYPE MISSMACH" Error.

plz reply soon.


The correct syntax is

P1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\MyPict.bmp")

thanks to veena

Hi Manoharan..

Why Thank Me....???


Hi Manoharan..

Why Thank Me....???


Don't you remember your own answers in this forum?
But I do.

AV Manoharan

The correct syntax is

P1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\MyPict.bmp")

thanks to veena

yeah but what about if i want to load an impage from the internet? and if the image isn't bmp? It says file/path access error... could someone help me?

yeah but what about if i want to load an impage from the internet?

Sorry I don't know what is an impage...

and if the image isn't bmp? It says file/path access error... could someone help me?

Use a Common Dialog Box

CommonDialog1.Filter = "Picture Files (*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.gif;|"
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.FileName)

Thanks, it worked ;)

me.picture(app.path&"name with extention of the pictur")

use a "WebBrowser" Control and Navigate it to the url. check this

WebBrowser1.Navigate2 "http://www.whateverwebsite.com/imagesfolder/myimage.jpg"

from: QVeen72


hi there.

i have the same problem regarding with image.
what if the image in the web has extension name of .php?
how will i get it?

by the way, i am using vb6.0, a web browser and an imagebox where i will put the web image(.php) later on.

thank you in advance :)


This thread is nearly two years old! In the future please start your own thread and if need be reference previous thread by copying and pasting the link in your thread. Also, it would help if you pasted the link to the php page you need help with as there could be a couple of different ways to solve your problem.


This thread is nearly two years old! In the future please start your own thread and if need be reference previous thread by copying and pasting the link in your thread. Also, it would help if you pasted the link to the php page you need help with as there could be a couple of different ways to solve your problem.

hi sir, sorry for what i did. I am new here and i don't know how to delete what id post to correct my mistake. I am starting to learn.
I just copied the paragraph and put the name from whom it came and write my question below it.
I don't have any bad intension on it.
By the way. thanks for the advice.:) :)

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