Hi, I'm looking for a good program writing tools C++, have any suggestions?

as your question makes no sense no sensible answer is possible.

Therefore a potentially non-sensical answer: apple pie screwdriver salad bowl.

> Hi, I'm looking for a good program writing tools C++, have any suggestions?
What exactly do you need? As Jwenting pointed out, your question doesn't make sense. Do you need some kind of software to speed up your development time or C++ development tools?

> I'm looking for a good program writing tools C++
VI VI VI - the editor of the beast :D

Soory, should've specified, I mean a C++ writing tool application and if you could a compiler. I'm sure you guys needed earplugs to block the shit spewing out of my mouth sorry.

We already answered your vague question. Please see the links that were posted previously. Also read the Readme links at the beginning of this board because they give lots more help for newbes.

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