Hi guys. I am trying to create a program where the user inputs an integer and the program will cout the nth prime number. Unfortunatly when I try to cout just the nth prime number it doesn't work. However theoretically if I have the program print out all of the prime numbers up to the nth prime number, it just prints out 3,4,5,6,7,8 etc. UI means userinput in my code.

using namespace std;

int main(){
    unsigned int UI; // userinput
    int counter1 = 1; // number of primenumbers
    bool isprime = true;
    int primenumber = 3; //number that it is checking to see if it is prime. 
    cout << "Enter in a positive integer" << endl;
    cin >> UI;
    while(UI == 0){
        cout << "Invalid input. Please try again" << endl;
        cin >> UI;
    if(UI == 1){
        cout << endl << "2"<< endl;
    else if(UI == 2){
        cout << endl << "3" << endl;
    else if(UI > 2){
        while(counter1 != UI){
            isprime = true;
            cout << primenumber << ",";
            for(int checker = 2; checker < primenumber; checker++){
                if(primenumber % checker == 0){
                    isprime = false;
            if(isprime == true){
        if(counter1 == UI){
            cout << primenumber << endl;


Actually your algorithm is mostly correct. what you were forgetting is that 2 is the first prime number, but you weren't printing that.

Even though your algorithm is naive, there are some optimizations worth mentioning:

The greatest number that needs to be checked if it's a factor is the square root of the number. Everything that's a factor after that, its reciprocal has already been checked.

After 2 all the other primes are odd. Therefore, you only need to check the odd numbers.

Here's your code, that keeps all this in mind. Plus a few other tweaks:

#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main()
    unsigned int UI; // userinput
    cout << "Enter in a positive integer" << endl;
    cin >> UI;
    while (UI == 0)
        cout << "Invalid input. Please try again" << endl;
        cin >> UI;
    if (UI == 1)
        cout << endl << "2" << endl;
    else if (UI == 2)
        cout << endl << "3" << endl;
    else if (UI > 2)
        int counter1 = 1; // number of primenumbers
        bool isprime = true;
        int primenumber = 3; //number that it is checking to see if it is prime.         
        cout << 2;
        while (counter1 != UI)
                isprime = true;
                int limit = sqrt(primenumber);
                for (int checker = 3; checker < limit; checker += 2)
                    if (primenumber % checker == 0)
                        isprime = false;

            if (isprime == true)
                cout << "," << primenumber;
            primenumber += 2;
        cout << '\n';

On a side note. Try to always keep the declaration of your variables as close as possible to where you first need them. On a small project, this is kind of a moot point. But, on a large project it is invaluable.

FYI, there is as small bug in my post the for loop should read:

for (int checker = 3; checker <= limit; checker += 2)
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