
I'm currently trying to implement expanding text to links. However, as the links are created dynamically I need to be able to make the DIVs Id-tag 'general' in the script.

So, instead of this:

function pageLoad() {

I would like something like this:

function pageLoad() {

But I have no idea how to accomplish that.


You can perform loop on the specified element's, like this:

function pageLoad() {
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); // any reference that you can provide 

   for ( var x = 0; x < elem.length; x++ ) {

Thanks for your reply, it seems to be the way to go. One problem remains however. As the div-tags id are set dynamically it has to be accounted for in the script.

Hence the tag-name "div" does not exist as it is div1, div2, div3 etc. var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); It needs to be identical with:

for ( var x = 0; x < elem.length; x++ ) {

Then you'll have to specify the incrementing value.

for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
collapseAll($('div_' + x)); }
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