hello all,

suppose i have an a site where i am selling a webform .how do i set it up so that when someone pays they immediately receive a downoad link either to their email box or get directed to a link

thnx in advance.........

You must be giving a link to paypal to send their notification. At that file apply download code. As user will complete its payment process it will be redirected to that page and then a download file box will appear to save downloading file.

You must be giving a link to paypal to send their notification. At that file apply download code. As user will complete its payment process it will be redirected to that page and then a download file box will appear to save downloading file.

thanx for reply...

i created webform , where user can make his webform and after pay download it, in final step we are giving a zip file for download.Trasaction going successfull in sandbox testing envirnment...but struggling with providing or redirecting to download link in sandbox testing.....

we are not collecting any information of user , he has to pay and get that final zip file

is this possible ?

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