i have this url..


how to rewrite like this.


i am trying lot...but no use...any body help

The following link will give you an idea about friendly urls:


ok....actually my problem is it is working fine. here is my htaccess code

actual url:
htaccess url:http://localhost/flowerstore/ELFORA
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ flowerdep.php?departmentname=$1 [NC]

working fine above one. but when i am giving "ELFORA" is like "E LFORA" then occuring problem. so how to restrict space in the above .htaccess rule

hi murlikalpana,

use this..

RewriteRule ^(.*)\$1/$2$ $1.php?departmentname=$2 [NC]

can i use same type of htaccess.
for example...i have categories,brands in leftpanel of my webpage.

this is for categories.
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[^.]+)$ cat_product.php?name=$1 [NC]
and next i am using same to brands also...it is not working.it is redirecting to cat_products.php.
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+[^.]+)$ brand_product.php?bname=$1 [NC]
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