Dear all. I need help regarding on my error.. this is the sample code:

Private Sub GetDetails(ByVal id As String)
        Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString)
        Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString)
        Dim sdr As MySqlDataReader
        Dim sSQL As String = " SELECT i.SuppCode,s.SuppName,s.telno,s.Faxno,,s.Salesman,s.Mobileno,s.add1," & _
                             " i.masterefno, i.invoicerefno,a.remarks, i.approval_date, i.approveby, a.new_listing_fee, a.totalamount, a.collectedby,a.otherinfor" & _
                             " FROM Supplier AS s, itemdetail AS i, account AS a" & _
                             " WHERE i.SuppCode = '" & id & "'" & _
                             " AND s.suppcode=i.suppcode" & _
                             " AND i.masterefno=a.masterefno" & _
                             " AND s.suppcode=a.suppcode" & _
                             " AND i.isApprove LIKE 'Approve%'" & _
                             " GROUP BY s.SuppCode,i.masterefno"
        Dim objCommandGrid As New MySqlCommand(sSQL, objConnection)
        sdr = objCommandGrid.ExecuteReader
        If sdr.HasRows() Then
            txtsuppcode.Text = sdr("SuppCode").ToString()
            txtsuppname.Text = sdr("SuppName").ToString()
            txttelno.Text = sdr("telno").ToString()
            txtfax.Text = sdr("faxno").ToString()
            txtemail.Text = sdr("email").ToString()
            txtsalesman.Text = sdr("Salesman").ToString()
            txtmobile.Text = sdr("mobileno").ToString()
            txtadd.Text = sdr("add1").ToString()
            txtMRef.Text = sdr("masterefno").ToString()
            txtIRef.Text = sdr("Invoicerefno").ToString()
            txtcdate.Text = sdr("Approval_Date").ToString()
            txtcreatedby.Text = sdr("Approveby").ToString()
            txtfee.Text = sdr("new_listing_fee").ToString()
            txtTotal.Text = sdr("totalamount").ToString()
            txtcollected.Text = sdr("collectedby").ToString()
            txtoinfor.Text = sdr("otherinfor").ToString()
        End If
    End Sub

The error come from this coding below. The problem happen when i choose the "id" to execute and check using local debug. The "id" suddenly changing automatically.
I don't cannot figure out how to solve this problem.

Private Sub GetItemDetails(ByVal id As String)
        Dim conString As String = (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("ItemListing").ToString)
        Dim objConnection As New MySqlConnection(conString)
        Dim strsql As String = " SELECT i.fulldescription,i.productcode,i.pack_no,i.group_id," & _
                             " a.unitcost_by_ctn,a.unitcost_by_pcs,a.netcost_by_ctn,a.netcost_by_pcs," & _
                             " a.sp_by_ctn, a.sp_by_pcs, a.remarks" & _
                             " FROM itemdetail AS i, supplier AS s, account AS a" & _
                             " WHERE s.suppcode ='" & id & "'" & _
                             " AND a.suppcode = i.suppcode" & _
                             " AND i.isApprove LIKE 'Approve%'" & _
                             " AND a.productcode = i.productcode" & _
                             " GROUP BY i.suppcode"
        Dim objCommandGrid As New MySqlCommand(strsql, objConnection)
        GridItem.DataSource = objCommandGrid.ExecuteReader
    End Sub

i hope someone can help me to solve this problem.

>The "id" suddenly changing automatically.

Its difficult to imagine what's happening. Please post complete code.

Your s.suppcode does not join with either a.suppcode or i.suppcode as it does in your previous query

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