Hey friends .. Can anyone give me idea on how to Create a button similar to like button of facebook .. I think they use complicated API n all ..

I want it to be simple but useful ..

Can anyone help me with this please ..

Be more specific.
I can't deduce your problem correctly.
So please do so.
By the way the facebook buttons are not really buttons, those are images used in their web pages.
Facebok also uses API. Those APIs are from facebook.com or
http://developers.facebook.com. Where you can check.

Ya sorry .. was in hurry ..

Facebook "LIKE" buttons can be placed on other third party sites, Blogs etc and visitors can click on them. Those also shows information of total people liked it and sometimes if any of our friends liked it shows thr name pics ..

Is it possible to something like that in PHP and Javascripts?? (For a newbie)

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