
The code below returns an error. Please advise what is wrong with it. Thank you.

class Login {
  private var $good_username;
  private var $good_password;
  public function Authentification () {
    private $this->good_username = "myusername";
    private $this->good_password = "mypassword";    
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class Login {
  private $good_username;
  private $good_password;
  public function Authentification () {
    $this->good_username = "myusername";
    $this->good_password = "mypassword";    

Thank you for reply. I tried your code and also it does not work. The problem is that the code does not work when I use the declarations: public, protected, private. When I remove them, it works, as in the example below.

class Login {
  var $good_username;
  var $good_password;
  function Authentification () {
    $this->good_username = "myusername";
    $this->good_password = "mypassword";    

You are right. I'm using PHP Version 4.3.6. I will update it. Thank you.

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