Hi, I am having a problem with multiple series chart where the 0 value will be displayed on the graph as a straight line. i want display only data that doesn't have a 0 value.
i have also check those two links wher they said this is a bug in some build of CF9 but i have the lastest build of CF 9.


i check the interpolated in the xml file on inside cf9 directory and it seems to be false.

i really appreciate any help

Thanks for your reply

<cfsavecontent variable="style">
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <frameChart autoAdjust="false" isInterpolated="false">
                <elements drawShadow="false" drawOutline="false" />

    <cfsavecontent variable="Variables.chartOutput">
    <cfchart showlegend="no" chartWidth="#pwidth#" chartHeight="#pheight#" format="flash" scalefrom="0" show3D="no" labelFormat="number" showMarkers="no" style="#style#" backgroundColor="00ffffff" dataBackgroundColor="00ffffff" tipbgcolor="##FFFFFF" foregroundColor="#fcolor#" fontSize="#fsize#">

        <cfchartseries type="bar" seriesColor="##d0d0d0" seriesLabel="last month">

            <cfset total_month = 0 />
            <cfoutput query="pull_last" group="check_date">
                <cfset total_month = total_month + round(mcount) />
                    <cfchartdata value="#total_month#" item="#dateFormat(check_date,'dd')#" />


        <cfchartseries type="line" seriesColor="##336699" seriesLabel="this month (progress)">

            <cfset total_month = 0 />
            <cfoutput query="pull_this" group="check_date">
                <cfset total_month = total_month + round(mcount) />
                    <cfchartdata value="#total_month#" item="#dateFormat(check_date,'dd')#" />


        <cfchartseries type="bar" seriesColor="##336699" seriesLabel="this month">

            <cfset total_month = 0 />
            <cfoutput query="pull_this" group="check_date">
                <cfset total_month = total_month + round(mcount) />
                    <cfchartdata value="#total_month#" item="#dateFormat(check_date,'dd')#" />


        <cfset Variables.chartOutput = ReplaceNoCase(Variables.chartOutput,'quality="high"', 'quality="high"  wmode="transparent"', "ALL") />
        <cfset Variables.chartOutput = ReplaceNoCase(Variables.chartOutput,'<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="high"/>', '<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="high"/><PARAM NAME="wmode" VALUE="transparent"/>', "ALL") />
Member Avatar for LastMitch


i want display only data that doesn't have a 0 value

Take a look at these examples:


Those examples has values that you can add numbers.

The example that you provided doesn't have that because you are using XML list to feed it or you are connected to a database.

I don't see any values at all. I think in your case it would be better do it manually because you have 3 charts happening at once.

Even though you have 2 bar chart and 1 line chart it's much better just entering manually.


thank you

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