
Currently I have a wordpress website running on a multidomain linux hosting.

Now am planning to develop a new website by myself using php, But I need to include e-mail features on my website for purposes like

  1. Resetting Password
  2. e-mail varification of registered users etc

Please help me to add email features on it.

Thanks in advance.

You can build your own PHP site on a multi-domain linux server as well. You can use the standard PHP mail function or you can use a library module that makes it even easier. If you have a specific question or concern, then you need to clarify what it is. Otherwise, you need to develop some code and come back if you are having trouble making it work.

I use a module called Libmail to send emails. There are probably more sophisticated mail modules but this one works for me. You can find it here.

You can build your own PHP site on a multi-domain linux server as well. You can use the standard PHP mail function or you can use a library module that makes it even easier. If you have a specific question or concern, then you need to clarify what it is. Otherwise, you need to develop some code and come back if you are having trouble making it work.

I use a module called Libmail to send emails. There are probably more sophisticated mail modules but this one works for me. You can find it here.

thanks bro... it works..

It was really awesome tutorial.

But I have a doubt, is there any illegal or unethical in the method that you have provided ?

"But I have a doubt, is there any illegal or unethical in the method that you have provided?"

Why would it be illegal or unethical. It's open source code.

"But I have a doubt, is there any illegal or unethical in the method that you have provided?"

Why would it be illegal or unethical. It's open source code.

I asked that because, i can sent mail as anyone(i mean we can use any email id as from address)

You can do that using the standard PHP mail function as well. It's up to you to act ethically. PHP won't force you to do it.

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