Dear Friends,
I am using Simple-REST Library for my REST Web service purpose . I need to integrate "OAuth2" with my REST API skeleton.
I attached the REST - API Client & Server for your reference . Please check it and help me with a good solution for implementation.


Dear Pritaes,
I am just start to work on it . My Concern is how I can implement OAuth2.0 authentication . I am looking RFC specification at IETF . May I use any other JS library like Node.js for this purpose ? Please advise the steps I need to follow.


Could you please present what problems you have ran into upon implementing the OAuth2 code. It is difficult to know how to advice when you have presented no examples to debug. Personally I would suggest removing simple_rest_client and following the docs for how to integrate the code as per the documentation standards in the link pritaess has posted.

Thanks @pritaeas,@cwarn ,
I will check the PHP OAuth 2.0 provided by pritaeas.

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