The following code, use to work, now it's not ?

$("<selector>").animate({bottom:'-1200'}), -1300, 'easeOutBounce');

You have an extra ) after the '-1200'}

ARghh when I read your post, I thought for sure I had another syntax error, turns out, is still doesn't work !

hi can you try this

$("div").animate({bottom:'-1200',top:'-1300'}, 'easeOutBounce');
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Show a real example, how are you writing your selector.

ids need to be #someid
classes need to be .someclass

Everything was working, the site is still in development, sometimes you can change something then forget. I recall doing this, I have solved the syntax error, I've changed the values numerous times and it doesn't work.

I'm writting my selected how it should be written.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

I got your email, can you post an example on jsfiddle to show where it doesn't work. It's easier to diagnose than your original site as there is a lot going on that could affect it.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Let me just emphasize, provide a link to jsfiddle, with just the relevant code supplied. And NOT a link to your website. This will help you identify the issue a lot easier.

Thanks, I hope that was clear.

I know what you wanted, I'd rather post a link to my site to get direct to the problem, can't you debug from the site.

If you insit on a jsfiddle example.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Your example doesn't do anything, at least link it to the right version of jquery that has the option to include jqueryui. At least make sure your css has semi colons where needed.

At least use an actual selector rather than just 'div'.

Get a simple example working on jsfiddle then we can move from there.

And no, no one will want to debug your code from your site. It adds extra complications because there are other javascript dependancies at play.

You solve problems by removing all other variables so you know the issue you're trying to solve can ONLY be that.

What you have a habbit of doing is dumping all the code, with tonnes of other variables and saying - 'hey it doesn't work!'

This is just dumb. Learn to ask questions the smart way.

Solved !
I didn't dump the code and say "hey it doesn't work" it was working

And no, no one will want to debug your code from your site. It adds extra complications because there are other javascript dependancies at play.

Not true !

Some people gonna start a hate game, no matter what you do.

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