281 Topics

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Member Avatar for slfisher

Go Google the term "oil spill." I'll wait. First item? "BP [url]www.BP.com/OilSpillNews[/url] Info about the Gulf of Mexico Spill Learn More about How BP is Helping." It's a "sponsored link," meaning that BP paid for it to be there and to come up as the first item when someone searched …

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Member Avatar for shirley23

Hi, I am new to the forum and am looking for some help, my website has a google rating of 4 but when I try to search for it using the terms I would use if searching for my product I never find my site. I have key words and …

Member Avatar for asdfghjk9
Member Avatar for happygeek

Who wants some forged educational documents that will help you get a job in some foreign country? The answer, it would seem, is lots and lots of people. At least that would explain why spam advertising fake diplomas has topped the list of junk mail subject matter for China, South …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Littlemanz

Hi I am from the UK and have been a keen web enthusiast for the past 5 years with a semi break of a few years,I am self taught and run a couple of websites [url snipped] is one and [url snipped] is another i am currently finishing them both …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for Keano-1988-

Hi all I have a small blog site with a decent number of views and i want to show that i can make a good bit of money from the google adds which i have placed on it. bascialy i want people to click the ads under where i have …

Member Avatar for Keano-1988-
Member Avatar for AndreyW

Hi all, I suggest you to advertise your business fast and simple. You can suggest your business website or related article to us and this may generate for your site real visitors and potential customers, respectively. The websites, where you can use this option are: - for direct service realizers, …

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Member Avatar for johnsander

Hi, how many keywords are best for one ad group.I study at different places about it.Some expert say one key word per ad group, others say 10 t 20 keywords and also some people say that more than 100 keywords per ad group is a best choice.I am so confusing …

Member Avatar for infinique
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] announced today that it will derive revenue from ads. It's their plan to capitalize on their extreme growth since their 2007 inception. Personally, I think this will kill Twitter and I can't say it will be a bad funeral. Hopefully, someone will start another site just like it that …

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Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I have been looking at different type of video related ads, like pre-rolls and videoegg ads. So if you have experience with these ads, let us know.

Member Avatar for LandoFormosa
Member Avatar for WeBuyAny

Good morning, I'm starting to offer as of today 50 free sales places on my site, the places are for domains only and they Must be for sale. If you are happy with your advert feel free to link back to us. Adverts have been places on various sites so …

Member Avatar for archangelldn10

We all know we have seen this form of advertising small text advertising that can reach a geared audience, surfing sites. But do they work? The key to these forms of ads is to right keyword phrases at least twice in your dialog. [U][B]Sample advert on Micro Chips[/B][/U] If your …

Member Avatar for coachHinesfan

Hello there all, I was wondering, is there a way i can disable viewing the google ads which appear after every post by a user ? And all around the web page ? Also, if atleast there will be something(an advert) is there a way i can reduce the number …

Member Avatar for Biker920
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The news in the UK that our [URL="http://www.asa.org"]Advertising Standards Authority[/URL] is being [URL="http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/988680/Advertising-industry-recommends-ASA-extends-its-remit-online/"]urged to monitor Internet ads[/URL] as well as those offline will raise two sets of eyebrows. First there will be those people who assumed it did already. There are ads online, how can an advertising standards authority not …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The Oscars 2010 had something new to add to the usual media frenzy, glamorous dresses and A-list celebrities: an iPad advert. Yep, Apple opted to get the mainstream iPad marketing campaign well and truly off the ground by debuting the iPad TV advert during the 82nd Academy Awards. If there …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When you are dealing with a populations as large as China's, even when you take into consideration that three quarters of the population doesn't have internet access, you are still talking about a very large number of those who do. So it's no surprise that Google, Microsoft and Yahoo! want …

Member Avatar for ChinaWebGuy
Member Avatar for newsguy

We already know that the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254897.html"]US military has embraced the social networking concept[/URL], and that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story257648.html"]Twitter accounts are becoming valuable commodities[/URL], now it looks like the advertising industry is throwing money at Facebook in terms of spend - and doing so at the expense of Google. New Media Age is …

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Member Avatar for desmotic

first off id like to say ive tried 4 other so called "tech forums" and none of them had replied back to me so im hoping someone here can help me out. basically this is the problem: -when i use my browsers explorer 8 and firefox i am getting repeatedly …

Member Avatar for domino124
Member Avatar for newsguy

Wow! That's a lot of display-ad sales. Google is expected to generate $1 billion in sales this year from display advertising. Although that's only a meagre 4% or so of the total Google sales expected in 2010, it's still a pretty stellar performance given the overall state of the online …

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I just read on a blog that Facebook advertising revenue is quickly surpassing Myspace's. It is no surprise since Facebook seems to be more widely accepted than Myspace. [url]http://www.clickz.com/3635971?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clickz+%28ClickZ+News%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url] I personally would advise clients to advertise on Facebook for most tactics unless the business wants to target musicians or teeny …

Member Avatar for jusvie
Member Avatar for drabsch

i have a video player and i need to detect when the scrubber is more then 20.6% across this is the script i got so far [CODE] function ad() { if (document.getElementById('scrubber').style.left > "20.6%") { document.getElementById('ad').style.display = 'block' }else{ setTimeout(ad(),1000); } } [/CODE] this is the scrubber and the ad …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Many businesses advertise on social media with the hopes of a higher CTR and sales. I can count in one hand the times I have clicked to a social ad on Facebook. What about you? How more likely are you to click than to a paid search keyword ad on …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for happygeek

That is the general thrust of an interesting article that appeared in the [URL="http://www.latimes.com/technology/la-fi-wikipedia10mar10,1,2707818.story"]Los Angeles Times[/URL] this week. It starts by describing how the offices of one of the world's most popular websites is a rented space stuffed with furniture bought off of eBay and with a printed paper sign …

Member Avatar for blahx
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Which social media research tools do you use to find your target audience? I have been told twitter search and google ad planner. Is there anything else?

Member Avatar for nysilly

Hey everyone, Membership website is $1.50/mo and the membership includes: games and challenges with real cash prizes ranging from $5 - $100. I have 3 lousy members. Ive dumped $300 into facebook ads, $100 into myspace ads, $300 into google ads, adgitize ads, projectwonderful ads, $10/mo on blogcatalog, and I …

Member Avatar for MktgRob
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I just read a Comscore report stating that the click through rates for display ads have gone down throughout the years. Hence, if this revenue stream is being diminished, will this push companies to start charging members for membership? I remember this was done in the early 2000s and those …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

UK broadcaster Channel 4 has signed a deal with YouTube to bring full TV programmes online, streamed for free. It's the first time that any broadcaster in the world has made such a comprehensive schedule of 'catch-up' programming available for free via YouTube. Of course, when I say free I …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

You have to give Steve Ballmer and Microsoft credit. After years of sitting on the sidelines playing defense and catch-up, this year they have definitely been on offense. Whether it's the ad wars, releasing Bing, the deal with Yahoo!, the retail strategy or its latest move, a deal with Nokia …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Mike Maser, Chief Strategy Officer at Digg, has [URL="http://blog.digg.com/?p=928"]confirmed[/URL] that Digg Ads will start rolling out in an early beta format during the next few days. So expect to start seeing sponsored Diggs mixed up with the real stuff, although the adverts will carry a 'sponsored by' title the screenshots …

Member Avatar for pakidesigner
Member Avatar for newsguy

The independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industry, OFCOM, was charged by the government to reveal consumers' experiences of electronic communications services, including broadband provision, and the results do not make for happy reading. The research saw in excess of 60 million separate service performance tests carried …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Apple released its [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]third quarter numbers[/URL] yesterday and by any benchmark they were impressive. Consider these numbers as [URL="http://www.macworld.com/article/141829/2009/07/appleq309.html?lsrc=top_1"]reported by Macworld[/URL]: * $8.34 billion in sales and a net profit of $1.23 billion * 5.2 million iPhones * 10. 2 million iPods * 2.6 million Macs (of which1.75 million were …

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The End.