9 Topics

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Member Avatar for cored0mp

I'll admit that I have an opinion about this. Is the point of professional coding to write creative software or to write software that adheres closely to standards?

Member Avatar for cored0mp
Member Avatar for rproffitt

I like Agile, I really do but a few times it has me walk out on the process as a few think that everyone must "buy in." That's just part of the problems I've run into and kind of glad I'm no longer on such teams. In fact if a …

Member Avatar for kau14

Hi, I'm preparing a project proposal for sponsored LCAD (similar to tablet) manufacturing project . 5000 devices have to be delivered within 12 months. Let me know whether Agile methodology suits here? or shall i go for water fall method? Also provide organisation chart (team members) supporting it. Regards Kau14

Member Avatar for imobby

What is Agile Development? What are the different types of it? What can be topics related to Agile development . . kindly guide

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Member Avatar for AlexNForbes

Hey all, Just thought I'd drop in and say hello. Why? Because it's so annoying when you join a new forum and never use it. ;-) I've been in software B2B for about 15 years, mostly as a public relations guy, but rather than focused on pitching editors at trade …

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Member Avatar for indu_k

We've been trying various tools to document our projects. Have tried everything from the Rational Rose suite to a basic Wiki with Visio to write up just the right amount of documentation, use cases and specs. Lately we've adopted a more agile approach to development and wanted some ideas on …

Member Avatar for abbyo
Member Avatar for rubyonrails

I have deployed a <URL SNIPPED>rails application on shared hosting server. FYI I am using passenger with apache2 module. But It gives an error.

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for flaang

The computer games industry gained rising popularity in recent years. There is however only a small number of studies about how game developing companies cope with changing requirements and interest groups, increasing team sizes and hardware and software enhancements. Currently there is a study to examine software development practices relating …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Two weeks ago I was asked a question to which, given my occupation, I should have known the answer. The question was: “How many software testers are there?” Being editor of a magazine about software testing, that's a number I should have know cold. At the time, I offered an …


The End.