20 Topics

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Member Avatar for Rashmi_4

I am working on a java program that will read a text file containing integers separated by '@', in the format @123..90@123..90@ vertically aligned in the file. After reading, it outputs those numbers in a grid format. I want to get this output on a separate AWT window. As I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for OnlyThierry

Hello, I would like to develop a sprite editor. Therefore I have programmed a software like paint. As you can see on the picture, on the right, there is a canvas with a grid on it. I use a GridBagLayout to manage every widgets inside my window. The canvas is …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for trishtren

Hello, I was hoping someone can help me, im looking for a way to extend a basic shape class in particular the roundedrectangle2d class and be able to draw it in the same way we could handle an object with a simple call to g.draw(object instance); However im having problems …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for SYvonneMendoza

** //When an item from the list is selected, a checkbox along with the drawn graphics schould appear. but only the graphics appear. Help? *basic** import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.Checkbox; public class GetSelectedItemExample extends Applet implements ItemListener { Choice c; CheckboxGroup g1 = new CheckboxGroup(); Checkbox checkBox1 …

Member Avatar for SYvonneMendoza
Member Avatar for borix134

Alright Im new to this forum so lets hope this goes well, I have decided to learn Java and I started with the lwjgl, I have the exact class and code as posted here: [lwjgl (display)](http://www.lwjgl.org/wiki/index.php?title=LWJGL_Basics_1_(The_Display)) When I run the code I get an error message that says: `JavaVM WARNING: …

Member Avatar for borix134
Member Avatar for 03hasnam

I am finding it difficult to update the `JTable` when I enter a person's name in search button. The program compiles correctly without any errors, but in `SearchActionPerformed` event when the search button is pressed an empty table comes up. Where without search, the table is full of values from …

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for fallen21468

Ok so I am trying to build a little program and I want to be able to click on the skate or dice button and have the program open a new JFrame that has been built in another class. Currently it opens its own JFrame that was built in this …

Member Avatar for fallen21468
Member Avatar for wannafzan

This is my assignment. I've done it 36 hours straight and I can't think properly so my program looks like kindergarden kid's program. Basically, we have to do a GUI for Pizza ordering. Everything works except for the amount. The output for amount is "0.00". I have to send it …

Member Avatar for wannafzan
Member Avatar for nickcolb

So I'm working on a small calculator applet and whenever a button is pressed (generating an action event) i get this: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException. Something about a missing source? The variable m is an instance of my myFunctions class which houses all the necessary formulas. I believe the …

Member Avatar for radhakrishna.p
Member Avatar for calvintmoss

So I am trying to make a tile map editor/reader to create and interact with maps like [this](http://www.codeproject.com/KB/game/Autotiles_Algorithm/TileMapExample.png) , so essnetially I am wondering what the best way to go about this would be. I have not done anyhting graphical in programming in a long time and yeah, I was …

Member Avatar for ObSys
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a class which extends JFrame and this class is made singleton (private constructor, public static method to create instance if null). But still I get one more frame when already one is open. Can someone help?

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for v3ga

I just started learning Java (Currently, I know basic swing components like JPanels, text areas, textfields etc) and I have chosen a Logic Circuit Simulator as a project. My objective is to simulate the working of logic gates by making circuits using drag & drop. So far, I have thought …

Member Avatar for v3ga
Member Avatar for DavidKroukamp

Hmm i really like what applications like Windows Media Player and VLC player can do, and by this i mean: you know when you are watching a movie or listening to music and you minimize the window? Well if you hover the taskbar icon of the minized window with your …

Member Avatar for blivori

have various classes representing various types of program-genres (comedy, drama etc). I have a text file filled with '-' seperated values that get read by a class called Processing and puts them into a LinkedList. I have another class GUI_g that creates the GUI. It has 3 JTables. One for …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for blivori

I have a GUI in which has a container for a JTable called 'listTable'. I want to populate the JTable with data stored in a linked list, using the AbstractTableModel. Basically, I have a LinkedList stored in Processing.java. It contains all the data retrieved from a text file. I created …

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for miramiey

Hello, I am creating simple an applet to draw a registration form based on the selected item within the awt choice object. I have include a radio button, choice list and button. My problem is when running the Applet...the choice list is blinking and when I maximized or minimise frame …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for nsyncpilu

Hy , i read all the other posts about this error but didn`t helped me , tried google but notheing. I have the following method : [CODE] private void jButton1MouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel)jTable2.getModel(); int nrrows = jTable2.getSelectedRowCount(); int[] rows = …

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Member Avatar for Chitru

i googled for awt learnings then found a thread that awt is not necessary, you can directly go to swing. then i started swing, but i can't underdtand it that easily. now i know the very basic in swing, will you please help me to increase my accuracy by giving …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for JellyTurf

this is my java code that i'm experimenting with right now. trying to learn graphics. [CODE]import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class game extends Applet { Image dbz; public void init() { Font newFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC, 50); setFont(newFont); dbz = getImage(getCodeBase(), "dbz.jpeg"); } public void paint(Graphics g) …

Member Avatar for ProgrammerAl
Member Avatar for EddieC

If you’re looking for low-cost GUI-test automation for Java, Qt, Mac OS X and Web applications, here’s a product you might find useful. Have you heard of Squish? It’s an automated function-testing tool from [URL=http://www.froglogic.com/pg?id=Home]Froglogic[/URL]. Released today was Squish 3.4, adding support for the May release of Trolltech’s [URL=http://trolltech.com/company/press-center/Qt4PressRoom]Qt 4.4 …


The End.