7 Topics

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At first glance the news story headline from [URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/7740500/Britons-spend-more-web-time-reading-news-than-looking-at-pornography.html"]The Telegraph[/URL] was rather comforting: Britons spend more web time reading news than looking at pornography. That's one big finger flipped up in the face of all those who decry the Internet as being a cesspool of depravity and the people who …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

British Telecom has announced that it is ahead of schedule for superfast broadband* and will deliver it in time for the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8424401.stm"]Olympic Games in London[/URL]. It's less good that only 40 per cent of customers will be able to get at the service but then the Internet was ever thus. …

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Generally speaking I would not recommend reading a newspaper in the hot tub. If that hot tub happens to be of the spa-jet variety then that only makes it worse. If the newspaper is a rare item from the 19th century then surely only a fool would consider it. Yet …

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Strange but true. The 02 [URL="http://dnc.o2.co.uk/home/2009/05/o2-digital-families.html"]Digital Families report[/URL] was commissioned in order to get a grasp on the impact that technology has on family life in the UK. Perhaps unsurprisingly it revealed a nation obsessed by gadgets, with 40 percent of UK families spending 10 percent of their household budgets …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Virgin Media has released the results of research carried out into just how much the British actually understand the Internet, and those results show that on the whole the nation is pretty much baffled by broadband. The study, which quizzed more than 3000 internet users, discovered that broadband jargon confuses …

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For American readers this is probably a bit of an ordinary day - you go about your business and there's every chance that when you wake up tomorrow things will be much the same as they were when you woke up today. In the UK that's not the case. In …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Under new a new law adopted in the UK, the British police are now permitted to access data stored on home computers without benefit of a search warrant. Worse yet, officers are allowed to hack into computers remotely without notifying its owner. Even though officials say these methods would only …

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The End.