14 Topics

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Member Avatar for tapuwa2002

I would like to fill in the empty spaces of a csv column and its in one column using phpexcel I have added a demo for your viewing: The flow check B2 is its not empty go the next B3 if B3 is empty take value from B2. Here is …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for ravoras

Hey Guys, So using a webform textarea I am passing some data into PHP. This data is basically 4 columns of an excel sheet and potentially unlimited rows. Now I want to be able to go through this data, select each of the four individual elements from each row, insert …

Member Avatar for skradoslav
Member Avatar for jkembo

Hello everyone, I need some help, I would like to merge two cells together within a row only (e.g) in a CSV file using python. So far, I have 4 columns in the file, but now I would like to merge two cells in one, but I don't have any …

Member Avatar for jkembo
Member Avatar for Divinedar

I'm still having a problem with this. Can someone help? Let me explain a little more of what I need. Range("G3:G" & Cells(65536, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Select Selection.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(RC[-6],SUMMARY2!C[-6]:C,7,0)),35,VLOOKUP(RC[-6],SUMMARY2!C[-6]:C,7,0))" Sub Compare() Worksheets("SUMMARY2").Visible = True I'm still having a problem with this. Can someone help? Let me explain a little more of …

Member Avatar for aekaette

Hello, I am trying to read values from an excel spreadsheet but just for specific cells at a time; say Cell A1 and B1. Then I want to save the respective values into a variable and use the variable through out the rest of the code. Then loop at the …

Member Avatar for belenos46
Member Avatar for mgunia

I'd like to say "hello" to everyone as it is my first post. I looked for the solution to my problem on the internet for over 2 hours and I didn't find anything relevant. I hope you are able to help me. I have a bunch of invoices written in …

Member Avatar for mgunia
Member Avatar for azareth

i have this code, it's purpose is to automatically add a colon when the index is 2, i have done it, but when replacing(overwrite) index 2 where (:) is, you can replace it with a different char, so basically colon will be removed. and also what if the user has …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for azareth

URGENT: guys i really need your help with this. I have been debugging my program for days but it doesn't seem to be improving this is the code for the table layout: <table border="1" id="COT_Table" onclick="getTableID(this)"> <td rowspan="3" scope="row">COT</td> <th colspan="4" scope="col">SFAL</th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" scope="col">Temperature</td> <td rowspan="2" scope="row">vol …

Member Avatar for artemisxx

i created a report which exports to excel. it exports just fine. what i want to do now is merge the consecutive cells in a column which have the same values. how do i do this? please help me. this is code that generates the excel body: Protected Sub generateExcelBody(ByVal …

Member Avatar for jbutardo

Need help, I need to know on how can VB.net validates the format of each cell on the excel file that it opens, for example, the first row should only be numeric, or cannot be null, is it possible that vb.net can check it before it inserts it in the …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for niggz

Hello masters! I have a project and need a bit of your help. I would like to access/get values from certain fields from a database and assing that value to a variable. Database is included into my project along with DataSet. Is there any simple way to access certain field? …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ccoder83

Hi, I'm trying to create a 2D grid that would allow me to use fluid properties in each cell of the grid, which is defined by a struct. I have 3 grids: [CODE=c]Grid2D <fluidProperties> grid1; Grid2D <fluidProperties> grid2; Grid2D < fluidProperties> grid3;[/CODE] My struct fluidProperties contains 12 different properties: [ICODE]struct …

Member Avatar for ccoder83
Member Avatar for ayas

I'm trying to merge cells of the same row and after researching i found this link: [url]http://codeguru.earthweb.com/java/articles/139.shtml[/url] I downloaded the files and tried using it but it didn't run because of an error I don't understand:S can anybody help??

Member Avatar for Aviras
Member Avatar for symeramon

The End.