33 Topics

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Member Avatar for mike_2000_17

Hi all, I was just playing around with some ideas about optimizing a core piece of my library: the run-time type identification system (RTTI). What does that have to do with compile-time string concatenation? Well, the whole point of the RTTI is to provide information on the type of objects, …

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Member Avatar for daino

If I have two bytes representing 117, 117 or 1110101 , 1110101 and I want to concatenate them (technically I know how) then which end attaches to which? I understand they will be arranged in memory depending on endianess but overall, is there a standard way of concatenating bytes. Lets …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for jkvt

Hi, I have two LINQ queries that produce two different results, but the fields, while having different names, are essentially the same. I am trying to union them together (although concat in this case should produce the same results), but I am getting an error. My thought is that I …

Member Avatar for jkvt
Member Avatar for SLMQC

I need to concatenate characters from a text document to create a phrase. I understand the concept of concatenating from text boxes on a form, but not concatenating characters from another file. This isn't my assignment, but it is the concept I need to understand. A text document that reads …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for robert.speciale

I'm still a bit of a newbie and have what is probably a minor issue, but for some reason I can't wrap my mind around it. I have a program that does a whole bunch of stuff to text from an input file. The input looks like this: MArch 9, …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

I have been having problems with this code and i cant find out why I am trying to add a new element to an array. it says it goes throu butwhen i check its empty: $sql="UPDATE $title SET arole = CONCAT_WS(',', arole, '$name') WHERE op = '$name'"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for WarrenG.27

Hello, I am writing a simple forum and I keep getting the error 'Undefined Variable'. But this makes no sense has I have assinged a a string to the variable in question . Its part of a while loop and has a .(period) before the equals. If I remove that …

Member Avatar for WarrenG.27
Member Avatar for yuri1969

Howdy, for instance this JSTL snippet produces following result. <a href="<c:url value="Profile"> <c:param name="username" value="${requestScope.username}"/> <c:param name="logout" value="true"/> </c:url>"> Logout </a> Result: <a href="Messages?username=abc&logout=true">Logout</a> Ofc this thing works. However, validating against XHTML 1.0 Strict ends up with: > cannot generate system identifier for general entity "logout" href="Messages?username=abc&logout=true">Logout</a> Apparently it doesn't …

Member Avatar for yuri1969
Member Avatar for Stardemos

i need a querry to add -- in the end of a table. for example if i have a table like tb name ze ad|ID| aa | -------------- 01|02|aa01 | 02|03|aa02 | how do i add -- to the end of all fields of aa column to be like aa01--\aa02--?

Member Avatar for Stardemos
Member Avatar for calvinmicklefin

I have the following code ... <?php // test $item_101_product_title = "MGT-101"; $item_102_product_title = "MGT-102"; $item_103_product_title = "MGT-103"; $item_104_product_title = "MGT-104"; $item_105_product_title = "MGT-105"; $item_106_product_title = "MGT-106"; $item_107_product_title = "MGT-107"; $item_108_product_title = "MGT-108"; $item_109_product_title = "MGT-109"; $item_110_product_title = "MGT-110"; $item_111_product_title = "MGT-111"; $item_112_product_title = "MGT-112"; $item_113_product_title = "MGT-113"; $message = …

Member Avatar for calvinmicklefin
Member Avatar for furqankhyraj

<td><a href="$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $myrow["article_tittle"] ">'.$row["article_tittle"].'</a></td> what's the error in above code, its showing error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in ...../class.article.php on line 64 Please identify

Member Avatar for MarPlo
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi everyone, I need a wee bit of help with the following. I am calling all country names from a db table and echo-ing out each country name in a list format. $query = "select * from countries order by Country Desc"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes
Member Avatar for Dec28

Alright guys, I've been trying to think how to do this and I keep confusing myself. It's part of a project using piping in UNIX but first I need to get this small program running properly. I want to pass the final result (Hex value) to another program that will …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for student2012

I need to prompt the user to enter two strings and then create a third string with the first half of string1 and the second half of string2. I was able to put the first half of string1 into string3 but I cannot figure out how to put the second …

Member Avatar for shanki himanshu
Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey all, I'm trying to show some concatenated data in a CheckedListBox so that users are able to select the data for use later on. Here is the code I am using currently: [CODE]Dim con As New MySqlConnection Dim theQuery As New MySqlCommand Dim theTables As New DataTable Dim theAdapter …

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Member Avatar for Octipus

All right. So i have child, parent, activity and register table and i want know how much money a parent will pay for his child if the child have 1 or more activities. So i came out with this code: [CODE]SELECT CONCAT_WS (' ', parent_title, parent_fname, parent_sname) AS 'Parent/Carer Name', …

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Member Avatar for kamyarn

Hi I want to read a string (Last name) from keyboard, concatenate it to another string (First Name) and then print it on screen. (Windows, EMU8086, EXE Template) First I declare the variables in data segment [CODE] msg1 db 0ah,0dh,"Enter your last name: $" ;prompt message msg2 db "Kamiar " …

Member Avatar for kamyarn
Member Avatar for mathieu89

Hey Guys, I have an issue with my checkbox and the values that are posted to the next page. The issue is that each time the checkbox is clicked it just adds another value. example - if i check it and uncheck it and check it again i will get …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I need to concatanate lines based on regex. Lines to be concatanated are scattered. All lines begin with number$number$number$number$sentences. There is nothing to mark the end of sentence, only the beginning. Here is an example. I want to rewrite this one [CODE]2 $5$233$ check big cat if it have …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jaxi

For a program I'm writing, I'm trying to get rid of doubles in my string (which is a concatenation of a keyword and the alphabet). My code was compiling fine until I added the code about concatenating the substrings before and after the character I'm trying to get rid of. …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes

Hi all, I need someone to help me out, I am trying to call a .php file with php variables - [code] include('Code.php?buyer='.$lastid.'&oid='.$oid.'&bid='.$bid.''); [/code] when i edit the url myself using values from the database it works like it should do. but when I am calling the php file using …

Member Avatar for DaveyMoyes
Member Avatar for Who me?

How can I use a variable to create another variable so that the output is not the content of the new variable but the php code for the new variable? For example: If variable $a = "house" and the name of the final variable is $b, then how do I …

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Member Avatar for bizfreak22

Hey everyone, PHP and MYSQL newbie here.....can really use your help right now. I implemented a Submodal into my script, and finally got it to submit "User Notes" into the database. Unfortunately with each new submission, the text that is submitted overwrites the previous submission. I was told to use …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for furqankhyraj

can any body tell what is going to wrong with this syntax [CODE] echo '<div> <a href=' ".$path.$i.$s.$ext." '> . <img src=' ".$path.$i.$ext." '> </div>';[/CODE] Please Help

Member Avatar for divyakrishnan
Member Avatar for skitch

hi, i'm making a website for a company, with backoffice. when i want to add a new employee, i must specify the monthly fee and i created two inputs, one for the dollar part and the other for the cents parts. i wanted to concatenate the two parts with a …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for klemme

All, I have a small select box for deleting a page, and I need to include the pos(which is position when it gets submitted) - So I can update the database position of the pages. How can I put the pos in this too when it gets submitted? [CODE] <?php …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for programmer4life

I'm currently working on this course assignment and I'm trying to set up code to search within a database file (really its just a text file named a1.db). I hear we can use the popen function to implement shell code within a C program so here's what I tried: ---------------- …

Member Avatar for chrjs
Member Avatar for dooleyis

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to point to a textbox created in the form designer via a string variable. Basically, I'm creating a golf management system with a feature allowing a user to define their own course. Each hole has a corresponding textbox into which a …

Member Avatar for dooleyis
Member Avatar for chiefpf

Concatenate a substring of the original string sentence starting from index 0 and ending before the middle Character(s). Use the substring() method. Use an if statement to account for even or odd, the end index that you need substring()the end index that you need for substring() will be different public …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for gis-brad

Hi, I am a beginner-novice programmer using Python to build custom tools in ESRI's ArcGIS. I have what seems like a simple problem, but I am afraid I'm missing a core concept. Here goes... In this simple example I assign string values to some variables and then change the text …

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The End.