13 Topics

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Member Avatar for Chem_1

I could able to exe fortran file cygwin terminal command it showing following(go through the image)

Member Avatar for great_learner

Hi guys, I am completely new to objective c. I am trying to compile a very basic program of "hello world", but the problem is that gcc compiler can't figure out where my header files are. I wrote on cygwin bash shell: [CODE =c]$ gcc -lobjc hello.m -o hello[/CODE] and …

Member Avatar for spark_1
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi everyone! I am trying to set up a reverse ssh tunnel from a windows machine using Cygwin (openssh) , to a Linux server machine with static ip, so i can access the windows pc directly through the server from any other machine. My ultimate goal is to be able …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for Leela2403

I have to run some shell scripts in Windows using Cygwin. I am able to achieve that using %BASH% --login -i "/cygdrive/d/script.sh", where %BASH% is an environment variable in Windows set to C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe. I have a created a Cygwin environment variable $EXE_PATH = /cygdrive/d/somepath/dir. Inside my script the line is …

Member Avatar for amitshowry

I had written a script to login to some terminals and do some basic commands remotely. It fails at password entry. ******************************************************************* Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "cygwin" ' Give Cygwin time to load WScript.Sleep 2000 a=Array(112) For Each i In a WshShell.SendKeys "`ssh user@XX.XX.XX.XX" & i & " 'hostname;ps …

Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hi everyone! I have a quick question. Is there any way i can update python package for cygwin manually? The setup.exe which handles cygwin installation and updates, prompts me to update the whole cygwin installation to 1.7.x but i would like to keep using the older version (1.5.25). I only …

Member Avatar for neelam7891

Dear friends, I have downloaded and installed cygwin 1.7 on my windows 7 PC for installing ns2. But whenever I run the command ./install The error that comes is attached. I am totally novice to this environment. Please help with this. I visited Scriptics.com as suggested in the error msg, …

Member Avatar for neelam7891

Dear friends, I have downloaded and installed cygwin 1.7 on my windows 7 PC for installing ns2. But whenever I run the command ./install The error that comes is attached. I am totally novice to this environment. Please help with this. I visited Scriptics.com as suggested in the error msg, …

Member Avatar for shinsengumi

Hi everyone. I'm trying to export my C program that used MySQL from Linux to WindowsXP and to make the exportation simpler, I'm thinking of downloading Cygwin. May I ask if I still need to download anything to help me use MySQL in Cygwin? Links to download sites and/or tutorials …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for JeremyJ

Hi, I need to download URL's to a file using C++ code. Does anyone know of a library, compatible with Windows, that will do this? I know about CURL, but after spending days trying to configure LibCurl using Cygwin I'm ready to give up. A friend has been able to …

Member Avatar for JeremyJ
Member Avatar for JeremyJ

Hi, Can someone help me with the CURL library using GCC on Cygwin? I can't find anything in the documents that explain exactly how to compile with g++. For instance: g++ -I curl CurlSample.cpp gives me errors such as: /tmp/ccrXZUYr.o:CurlSample.cpp:(.text+0x17): undefined reference to `_curl_easy_ init' I'm using gcc version 4.3.4 …

Member Avatar for JeremyJ
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

I believe the error has something to do with my mergeArray function. Its a modified version of the insertNode function. i tried to make it so that i can loop through and insert an entire array of elements into a linkedList. My program compiles without error but gives me a …

Member Avatar for xxunknown321
Member Avatar for blackrobe

Hey there, I'm currently using NetBeans 6.8 running Cygwin GNU Bash version 3.2.49(23)-release. I'm having a problem running my program that uses pthreads, mutexes, and semaphores. After it creates 1 to 3-4 threads, it returns a Segmentation fault. I ran the program on a computer running Linux (using NetBeans as …


The End.