108 Topics

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Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear knowledgeable ones. I started on a project to be able to use a smart card and a smart card reader in order to limit access to a program. I had some sample code written in Visual Basic, and wanted to translate this to Delphi instead, something I think I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

I did an experiment regarding sorting of 256.000 random "names" using TListBox component. A friend of mine say that TListBox is faster than my code at sorting, so I wanted to test this out of curiosity. Method of testing. When I have created 256 thousand random textstrings, each 6 characters, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I did this code to compare to Delphi code in Delphi forum [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/pascal-and-delphi/threads/357771"]TListBox and sorting[/URL] which ran in my computer compiled in free Lazarus environment at time 7,235 s for generate and insert to listbox, 13,265 s sorting the listbox.

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

I am designing a lot of TCheckBox at runtime, and uses mathematical formulas for placing these in columns and rows afterwards on a form. I assign an on click event that is exactly the same on all of them, and everything work, except... Color. My OnClick event is made like …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for KenAs

Any ideas on detecting the current version of the MySQL ODBC driver? Currently I am reading the registry to obtain the version: [code=delphi] Function MySQLVersion:String; Var TR : TRegistry; SL : TStringList; I : Integer; Begin Result := 'ODBC 3.51'; // Default version SL := TStringList.Create; TR := TRegistry.Create; TR.RootKey …

Member Avatar for Zumla

Hello, I am currently using Delphi Prism to try and extract file properties. Below is the code I am currently using which should work, however, the compiler generates an error: Error 1 (PE190) "DSOFile.OleDocumentProperties" is an interface and cannot be instantiated C:\Users\Zumla\Desktop\Comp4\.Net Project\Computing4\Computing4\Main.pas 114 63 Computing4 Help would be much …

Member Avatar for Zumla

Hi, Does anyone know a simple way of extracting file information such as that shown in the details tab of file properties? I am new to Delphi and I don't have much experience, codes on the internet which I have found are not very helpful and only successfully extract file …

Member Avatar for Fudgey

Hi Everyone, I am having some trouble with the libmysql.dll file in Delphi 7. When I try to connect to a database with the dbexpress MySQL driver, i get the error "Unable to load libmysql.dll". I have tried the following to resolve my problem: [LIST] [*]installing different versions of MySQL …

Member Avatar for Simon180
Member Avatar for MarkHolm

This seems to work well until I try to create the 11th button. Any suggestions? [CODE] procedure TForm1.FormClick(Sender: TObject); var nb: TButton; begin Inc(n); nb := TButton.Create(Self); nb.OnClick := ButtonClick; SetLength(ca, n); ca[n] := nb; ca[n].Left := 8; ca[n].Top := (((n - 1) * nb.Height) + 8); ca[n].ParentWindow := Form1.Handle; …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for max_22

hi!I have a problem. There's the Access database embedded into dbrid using ADO. In db there is a list of goods,quantity and countries where goods were produced Now I have to build a diagram for db, for example for countries. It works quite well but the diagram shows EVERY good, …

Member Avatar for Pundia

Hi, I want to sort a TStringList but not by the strings in it, but by the Objects. Here's my code: [CODE]var i : integer; iCount : integer; idxFound : integer; someText : string; s : TStringList; oneWord : string; aux : integer; begin someText := memo_txtfile.text; oneWord := ''; …

Member Avatar for Pundia
Member Avatar for pritaeas

SetAutoSubClass() has been deprecated in newer versions of Delphi. Can anyone tell me what to replace it with ? I cannot find it in the Delphi 2009 OLH, nor in the VCL source (Forms).

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I have a fancy animated GIF loader that I want to use in projects, but the problem is that the image is only 48x22. Is there some way I can tile the image horizontally to lengthen it? The only solutions I found on the web was with bitmap images. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DrRodge

If programA starts Delphi programB, is there any way that programB can determine whether it was started by programA or by some other program?

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for Crossbow888

Hi, New to programming. I have three Editboxes and a button - I would like to know how to make Button1.Enabled := true when all editboxes have at least one character of input and := false when even just one of the editboxes has no imput in it - is …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for hariharans87

Hi, I have PIC32MX795F512L. I have used the "USB Host - MCHPUSB - Generic Driver Demo - PIC32 USB Starter Kit II.mcp" Firmware. I am very new to Delphi. So I have copy and paste the code from [URL="http://www.sixca.com/delphi/article/microchip_usb.html"]http://www.sixca.com/delphi/article/microchip_usb.html[/URL] It is working fine. I want to use the UPDATE_LED (change …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I'm in the process of converting a legacy app from D5 to D2009. I'm getting errors on AnsiToNative, NativeToAnsi (both DBTables) and DbiOpenSPParamList (BDE). Apparantly the parameters for these functions have changed. Does anyone here have a ready example on how I should use these in D2009 ? I was …

Member Avatar for ChuckNZ2002

I hope that you folks can help? I have ten IP cameras strategically located around my property. I capture video from these cameras with no problems. The cameras have the ability to pan and tilt, if I send commands to them. I can send something like the following to the …

Member Avatar for ChuckNZ2002
Member Avatar for L3gacy

Hello everyone, I have been programming in C++ for a while although I am not an expert yet, I would like to take a small break and learn another programming language that's a tad easier and I decided on Delphi. I looked for the stuff I need to no avail, …

Member Avatar for Dervish1
Member Avatar for vmirce

I use D7 and I've working with TDBgrid and TStringGrid, but I actually need something more advanced. I need a Grid component which provides using a combobox within a cell, limiting a cell to accept only numbers, inserting a picture into a cell... Is there such a component ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for MorisK
Member Avatar for getnit

Hi, My front end has a Tshape(Cirle) Over a Panel and I am trying to move the circle on the panel and get the X and Y values and send these values through comport for serial communication. However I am able to retrieve the values but the shape is flickering …

Member Avatar for getnit
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

Can any one help me to convert this delphi code to C#. class function TShrinkConfig.MyVersion: WORD; var ini: TIniFile; begin ini := TIniFile.Create(gsIniFile); Result := ini.ReadInteger( SHRINK_INI_SETUP_SECTION, SHRINK_INI_MYVERSION, SHRINK_INI_VERSION_1); ini.Free; end; if (not ini.ValueExists(SHRINK_INI_VERSIONS_SECTION, IntToStr(version))) then .... I searched online that TiniFile corresponds to FileStream in C#. But i am …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for rlfate

I am relatively new to delphi. what i am try to do it to open a new form from the main one as a pop-up window, let the user input certain values in there (two integers and a check box), and use these values as parameters in a procedure to …

Member Avatar for rlfate
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

So I started to work on my last Computer Science project for the school year, a maths tutorial application. I'm a bit stuck with displaying a form to explain a mathematical concept. I decided to make a dynamic form on run-time for each grade which then contains all the available …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Sucrose

I have 6 rows of items in a ListView within 2 columns that are listed like so: [CODE]1 Milk 2 Pepsi 3 Juice 4 Water 5 Coffee 6 Tea[/CODE] I'm trying to make it so when you modify the number in the first column, it will sort the list based …

Member Avatar for Ionelul
Member Avatar for youngmoolah

Hi I am trying to execute a TADODataSet by clicking on a button. As of now. whenever I run my delphi program my TADODataSet automatically activates and runs its corresponding stored procedure in sql. I want to be able to press a button on a form in order to execute …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for Simon180

hi, i was wondering if anyone new much about listviews because i been looking for a bit of code or a custim listview that supports paging abit like a website list were u can select pages 1 to 10 but with a listview so i can limit the items to …

Member Avatar for jeffcogswell

Rapid Application Development has come a long way since the early days of Delphi and Visual Basic in the mid 1990s. I remember those days well, as I immersed myself in Pascal development with the original Delphi back in 1995 and even wrote a couple of books about it. Delphi …

Member Avatar for youngmoolah

Hi I am using SQL express 2005 and I need to be able to take old data (data inputed two weeks ago or older)from a table in data base A and move it to a table in database B. I have very little experience with SQL so any suggestions will …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010

The End.