17 Topics

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Member Avatar for mavtcr

Friends, I made a small calculator in a form.It works well. On the form there is an Exit Button to close the form. Now I want this task.If I keep the calculator on the form (Computer) idle for 60 seconds the form must be closed automatically / If I goes …

Member Avatar for mavtcr
Member Avatar for tnjiric

Hi DW community. I had an unusuall fix made the other day for one service and wanted to find out exacly what happened. The situation was the following: For this one specific ADS channel, the communication works this way: The hotel reservation is sent via $_POST['RES_DATA'] , and after the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for iwavetostars

Good day everyone - Since this is my first post, I must say hi. I just started learning Python 8 hours ago and I like to challenge myself, so following a guide on playing with files, I decided to make a program that would open a .txt and it would …

Member Avatar for TimBob12

I am fairly new to Pascal and I have been attempting to write a hangman game. I am aware that there are probably so many better ways to do this than I have done but I am having some problems where the exit variable is not met because the current …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mikelopez77

I have a email script that sends out information from the mysql database with the following code, but it only sends out one name and ID, but in the email it should send all 20 names and IDs. My question how can I get this fix and working right. Thanks …

Member Avatar for mikelopez77
Member Avatar for omkar_hande

If a child process encounters exit(0) statement, where is this exit status returned in the parent process? Is there any variable associated with every process that holds this information? If not, how do children and parent processes communicate?

Member Avatar for poornamoksha
Member Avatar for John DB

How can I terminate resources in a safe way when JFrame is about to close? - If I put terminate() in the a finally block it runs before windowClosing(). - If I put terminate in windowClosing() it can't be accessed from an inner class. I am aware that I shouldn't …

Member Avatar for John DB
Member Avatar for dyanmorry
Member Avatar for MikeShepard

I am new to writing C# programs, actually new to object oriented programming. I normally write programs in PICK. But I have a software package that will call a pre-processor to allow us to modify a text file before it processes a the file from a 3rd party. I have …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for shaffatshah

hello everybody [CODE]void func1(){ // do something //exit the function if some error occurs (like segmentation fault) but continue running the rest of the program } void func2(){ //do something //exit the function if some error occurs (like segmentation fault) but continue running the rest of the program } int …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I was just wondering how exit worked? Does it use some lower-level language feature in its implementation? Is it compiler-specific? What is it? (I am talking about the function in stdlib.h btw)

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

hi. soo i got this codes off of some site. its for a cool form entry and exit effect. but since im using this in my project i need to know what this lines of codes mean. and i mean every line. the site where i got it from doesnt …

Member Avatar for yeeitsneo
Member Avatar for dev90

i want to go back to main menu while hitting escape key in my programme. for that i have make a function. [CODE]void exit (char[]) { if(char==27} { exit(0); } } [/CODE] but i have many user inputs which are of type int,float,char..... so i have tried, [CODE]while(kbhit!=27) { //coding …

Member Avatar for adityatandon
Member Avatar for lmali92

I am using Visual Studio 2010 I have multiple forms and when I hit close button(red X, top-right) from any form, i want the project to close entirely. Now when I do this, this does not happen by default. I always have to click on the 'stop' button in VS …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Efficience

I have written a code for checking vfork in unix. But I am getting the ambiguous behavious. When I am using exit(0) in child process , output is fine i.e; output :- Before fork I am a child My name is parent child PID=> 23133 kValue => 2 ] But …

Member Avatar for Efficience
Member Avatar for jhfire

[QUOTE]unhandled exception has occurred in your application if you click continue exit automatically[/QUOTE] How do I make it just exit without even warning the user? I've tried the "try" function. However, if you hex edit a certain peace of code it will come up anyways. I want to totally get …

Member Avatar for Drakarus

I am trying to figure out how to automatically close a simple windows application in C. I know how to create the window. But I have no idea how to get it to automatically close when it has opened without user input/interaction. Basically when it is called upon, I want …

Member Avatar for chrjs

The End.