16 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

Generators are rather familiar objects in Python. Generators supply data on demand. Using Go you can create a generator with a goroutine and a channel. Here the goroutine is an anonymous function within a function, simple to implement.

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Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

If you are browsing this forum, it is a safe assumption to believe you know of the [Fibonacci Series](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number). After having a couple of minutes, and some random thoughts, I put together a little piece of code that will print this series out to a file. Private Sub FibWrite(ByVal iMax …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ddanbe

Yes, I know Fibonacci(=sun of a good man) again. Most famous for his series, but who among you all, know that he was the man who introduced to the Western world, the Arabic numeral system(including zero) in 1202 A.D.? The Italian merchands of those days adored it. It was far …

Member Avatar for Triryche
Member Avatar for Bchandaria

Can any one tell me about fibonacci heap? I have read that it can be implemented using prims algorithm. but i actual i do not know what is fibonacci heap So can any one tell me what is fibonacci heap? how to implement fibonacci heap? what are the applications of …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for knd15

I know this maybe easy but I need help with creating a fibonacci sequence array from a to b. This is my code so far: def FibL(a,b): list = [] if a == 0: return 0 elif a == 1: return 1 else: return FibL(a-1) + (a-2) for i in …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for zeroliken

I bet all Computer Science related courses would learn low level or machine level languanges in due time and in our university we used the portable 80x86 assembler NASM for our Assembly code So here's my experimentation on how to use "functions" and recursion using a Fibonacci Solver as a …

Member Avatar for nell16

Pls help me on this. I really dont have an idea of solving this. Here's the question .. 1. Write a c++ program that generates the following series: 0 -1 4 -9 16 -25 36 -49 64 -81 100 and also this one 2. write a program that generates the …

Member Avatar for Ali_2101
Member Avatar for ronnieaka

i have been trying in vain to implement fibonacci in prolog, and so far i've done that in c++,javascript,python and java. but it just irritates me since i'm new to prolog and i just can't code much, because i haven't seen the prolog equivalents of c++'s for loops,if-else statements,basic variable …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for valestrom

Just wondering, how high can c++ really count? Because I made a fibonacci program, and it starts acting weird and printing negatives at about 10-11 places. With both long, and int variables? Is it impossible to count higher? If not, how?

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for yup790

I am trying to make a Fibonacci sequence program to display up to the nth term(only positive numbers). For some reason it doesn't seem to work. [CODE]import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author Toby */ public class Fabonnacci { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for datdude07

I have a problem getting my assembly program designed to get the first 47 numbers of the fibonacci series to output to a file. I'm not getting any errors except for when opening command window. This is the exact question on my homework problem if this helps : Using Programming …

Member Avatar for datdude07
Member Avatar for piyushsol

[CODE]var val1=document.getElementById("text_1"); var but_val=document.getElementById("button_1"); var but_val2=document.getElementById("button_2"); var but_val3=document.getElementById("button_3"); function click() { alert("the value is " +val1.value); } but_val.onclick=click; function array() { var length=val1.value.length; alert("length is " +length); var newarr=new Array(); for(var i=0;i<length;i++) { newarr[i]=val1.value[i];//this is the MAIN PART textbox value comes here in array supose value is 1234 alert(newarr[i]); } …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for NexG

import java.util.Scanner; public class fibonacci{ public static void main(String[] args){ int n=0; int fib = n+1; Scanner X=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter # of the term: "); n = X.nextInt(); for (int i=3; i<=n; i++) { i = i-1 + i-2; } System.out.print("Term is: "+n); } } I know the algorithm is …

Member Avatar for NexG
Member Avatar for rayden150

I want to make a Program that takes two inputs one initial number and one final number for example if I input 1 as the beginning number and 13 as the final, I would like the program to output the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.. I hope someone understands it.. Pleease i …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for RaigaX9

Hello, I'm having another problem with assembly. I'm writing a Fibonacci sequence in assembly and I think I got all my stuff set up, but after I try to convert from .m to .s using gm4, I'm getting this here: NONE:0: gm4: ERROR: EOF in argument list Can anyone tell …

Member Avatar for Momerath

Sometimes we need to generate sequence and perform some process on the results. This usually results in some code like this (We'll be using the [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number"]Fibonacci sequence[/URL] in these examples): [code]void MyMethod() { // What we want to do is output to the screen the first 10 Fibonacci numbers // …

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The End.