12 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nether_1

As the title suggests, I'm attempting to build a first-person view game. I could do this on my own, but the way I'm thinking of doing it is completely impractical (involves coordinates and thousands of if statement for every possible view, which like I said is impossible). I can pretty …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for hefaz

How to design levels at all in FPS Creator? and how to insert a desert and trees? and please how to improve AI?

Member Avatar for 26bm

Hi, I am wondering if there is any easy way to up the frame rate of a pygame program. For example locking the frame rate? I don't know. Thanks in advance! 26BM

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Member Avatar for gfp91

hi. im programming a 2d game and on the university computers it runs nice and slow but on my i7 laptop the ball travels at a million miles per hour. how can i restrict the speed/fps.

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Member Avatar for GrimJack

I just bought 2 new games - EYE, which I recently started playing and am enjoying a great deal and the latest Deus Ex, which is the first game I paid full price for in years. I pre-ordered it months ago and then forgot about it. I generally only play …

Member Avatar for AliTheChamp
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am looking to make a 3D game, I have made plenty of fun ones in 2D using SDL but have yet to attempt a 3D (fps style) game. Does anybody know either a way to do 3D with SDL, or some other similar or easy to use library that …

Member Avatar for dvidunis
Member Avatar for jamesl22

Hi, I am writing a game in C++ and OpenGL. My whole environment is based on cubes so I guessed bounding box collisions were best. I can currently move around and my program is detecting collisions (I used this tutorial: [url]http://www.3dcodingtutorial.com/Collision-Detection/Collision-Boxes.html[/url]). Now I want to make it so that when …

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Member Avatar for mangopearapples

Hey guys, I have Windows XP SP3 and 502mb RAM (Rubbish right?) and 1.60ghz dual core processor. What's a fun game that would hardly lag at all with this sort of specs range? Thanks. P.S I know that Cube 2 sauerbraten is a good one for my laptop, so something …

Member Avatar for striker_1
Member Avatar for majc

I made a blog about game development to help beginners like me, here it is: [URL="http://howtomakeagameinmyopinion.blogspot.com/"]How to make a game in my opinion![/URL] I hope it helps! Any suggestions? By the way sorry my bad English.

Member Avatar for ǝuıɥɔɐɯ
Member Avatar for eskimo456

Hi there I have made and run several different graphics programs and applications. The applications I have made so far always use the full processor and graphics card available. The game for instance may run at 5000fps or some really high number. I am assuming this is not how games …

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Member Avatar for xikkub

Using GLUT, moving my mouse in the display window causes the animation to increase in speed. When running at an initial 60fps, moving the mouse causes the animation to accelerate and increase to 1000fps. My data might be wrong, but there is definitely a timing issue. I've tried implementing a …

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Member Avatar for daudiam

I am trying to develop a software that can automatically search and download the correct subtitle for my movies. I need to compare the fps rates. How can i find the fps of a movie in java ?

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The End.