16 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeffmylife

# Introduction # This tutorial provides guidance on gathering data through web-scraping. However, to demonstrate the real-life issues with acquiring data, a deep-dive into a specific, complicated example is needed. The problem chosen, acquiring the geographic coordinates of gas stations in a region, turns into an interesting math problem that, …

Member Avatar for OfeliaPoore
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

My geo-location was being displayed as Cambridge (I returned from there on Monday) so I told daniweb to update, which it did, except it now reported me as `Winnipeg, Manitoba - 3,897 miles away`. What am I 3,897 miles away from? Then, when I click on `Member Connect` it says …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for mattyd

I want to collect basic user information when they land on an index page, such as: IP Country City State Zip Code I've looked into sites such as ipinfo.io that offer a service regarding these details, but think it may be easier to collect the same info via PHP. From …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for owenransen

If you use JavaScript for geolocation the first time someone uses it then his browser will ask for permission to send his location to the site where your web page is. As far as I can tell Chrome (PC and Android), Explorer (PC), and native browsers in Android devices only …

Member Avatar for Masterblank
Member Avatar for DJ-DOO

Hi folks, I'm newish to android, very inexperienced. I'm trying to develop an application that transmits the coordinates of one phone (client a) to (client b) via a java server, I then want to check the distance between clients. I have managed to get the coordinates of client a, send …

Member Avatar for rotten69

hi there, I just have a few questions about HTML5 and one of its features that is geolocation. My group members and I are thinking to develop a social-networking IOS application that lets you check-in only if you're using a mobile phone. The core idea is that if you're at …

Member Avatar for chrislim2888
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

[ATTACH=right]16757[/ATTACH]Facebook [URL="http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=418175202130"]announced last night[/URL] its own location-based "check-in" app -- this being the social-networking site's response to similar applications like FourSquare, Gowalla and Brightkite. The new app, called [URL="http://www.facebook.com/places/"]Places[/URL], is available on the iPhone, with the latest version of the Facebook app, and through touch.facebook.com on mobile devices that support …

Member Avatar for clarie.texas
Member Avatar for devilhacker

Is there any way that i could get my computer geographical location from php of from another language? I would like help and suggestions if you could help me! Thank you.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for raredesign

I know there are more accurate geolocation methods, but I want to have it transparent to the user rather than ask them to "allow". I am using a very simple method and it works great on most of the computers I have tried, but on some such as my grandmothers …

Member Avatar for chrislim2888
Member Avatar for webmaster@123

I’m working for my client’s website whose business is mainly based in India, and they suggest some keywords for me to start SEO. The keywords are like this [B][COLOR="Red"]Mobile show room Mobile shop[/COLOR][/B] But the problem is they want their website ranking for the keywords based on the city name …

Member Avatar for Jessica1234
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I have a question regarding Google Maps integration I am planning for my site. Right now I have a list of approximately 5,000 addresses (Street Address, City, and Zip Code). I would like to add two columns to the table these address are stored in for Longitude & Latitude so …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

[URL="http://vimeo.com/15374659"]Titanium +Geo[/URL], a new location-based analytics platform for mobile applications, released on September 29, 2010 and developed jointly by Appcelerator® and FortiusOne, allows marketers and retailers to accurately measure the effect of where, when and how their mobile applications are being used by their customers. [ATTACH=right]17421[/ATTACH] This is a data …

Member Avatar for lapssone
Member Avatar for SiobhanyScot

Alright kids, I know next to nothing about PHP but I'm interested in geolocation scripts. A couple of months ago, I got a presentation from a company that can target content down to the zip code level (and much more, but that's beside the point). However, what they charge a …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for slfisher

Geolocation features in cameras are giving thieves new information when someone proudly posts a picture of their new acquisition, whether it's a boat, a flat-screen TV, or a new car, according to an [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/12/technology/personaltech/12basics.html?_r=1"]article [/URL]last week in the [I]New York Times[/I]. Some cameras and smart phones embed location-specific information, such …

Member Avatar for slfisher
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello Recently I've been started to get curious about mobile development, specially Geolocation applications, how do they work and stuff... Can anyone point me in the right direction? What should I study, any references and things like that... Specially the following: 1.- How to implement the imagery (like, can i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Probably just about everyone over 25 remembers the game and show '[URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Sandiego"]Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?[/URL]' If San Diego were around today (maybe she is, who knows), we would all know exactly where she was because she would broadcast her whereabouts by tying her FourSquare account to …

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The End.