13 Topics

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Member Avatar for Xozz

Are there any standards for single/double quotation marks in all the different programming languages? What matters to me right now is Python. Should I use 'single quotation marks' or "double quotation marks" for the strings? Thank you

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Zdneth_1

Good day IT Enthusiasts and Pros! I want to ask if any of you has an idea of making a web-based application that involves sales quotation and proposal generation? I badly need some tutorials or some pieces of advice on how to make it in PHP especially involving payments using …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello, I recently took a course on assembler/compiler construction. In it we covered parsing algorithms such as LL(n), LR(n), LALR(n), and SLR(n). I understand how these parsing algorithms can be used to determine **if** an input string follows a context free grammar (CFG). At some point I also understood how …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for babi.meloo

I need to design an application that reads a string from the user, then determines and prints how many of each lowercase vowel appear in the entire string. Separate counter for each vowel. I also need to count and print the number of consonants, spaces, and punctuation marks. The problem …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Jack5848

so basically for my uni work i have to create an applet that gives a word pattern for a particular sentence, ie '1 am a man' would give 2, 1, 1, because there are 2 1 letter words, 1 2 letter word and 1 3 letter word. the harder part …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for michelleradu

Hi All, I have to split a text into words using both spaces and punctuation as delimiters. Punctuation includes characters like .,!?:;'"- I am using the split function as it follows: [CODE]wordsArray = strLine.split("[.,!?:;'\"-]+\\s*");[/CODE] However, this only splits my text by spaces and ignores other characters I've set as delimiters. …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for randrum1707

Hey everyone, I'm trying to remove all punctuation from a string of characters. Here is the part of the code that I'm using to remove the punctuation from the string (string1 being the string). [CODE]for (int i =0; string1[i]; i++) { if(ispunct(string1[i])) string1.erase(i,1); } [/CODE] It is removing punctuation perfectly …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for ibthevivin

My issue is with the "if" statement. Basically I want the program to have proper grammar when it states, "1 [COLOR="red"]hour[/COLOR], 1 [COLOR="red"]minute[/COLOR], 1 [COLOR="red"]second[/COLOR]", instead of "1 [COLOR="red"]hours[/COLOR], 1 [COLOR="red"]minutes[/COLOR], 1 [COLOR="red"]seconds[/COLOR]". See what I mean? I gave it a go with "hours" but with no success. Plus any …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i m new to shell scripting.i have seen th code substitution like a=`ls -l` and a=23 R=$(a/23/bb) first time we use ` ` and second time we use $ . can anyone tell me Why so?

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for philmetz

Prove that L = {a^n: n is a prime number} is not regular I was looking through the solution to it but dont understand it at all, could anyone help explain how to solve it? Thanks

Member Avatar for agugglez
Member Avatar for JMoh

How can my program search for strings that has " " enclosing it and compare it to another string? Thanks for helping me!

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty

I'm working with VB.Net. I have imported some data into the Data Set. I have four columns of data. [CODE] [Column 1]This is a test[/Column 1] [Column 2]This is a comma, Test.[/Column 2] [Column 3]This is a double quote " test.[/Column 3] [Column 4]This is a comma, quote " test.[/Column …

Member Avatar for lordbaddkitty
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

[code=php] echo ("<a href=foldername/".$file.">".$file."</a>"."<br>"); [/code] and there [code=php] $file = readdir($handle); [/code] in that case $file is a folder name with space.. So I have to put double quotation after href=. But it doesnt printing that double quotation. The link I am getting is only the folder name's first thing …

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The End.