344 Topics

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Member Avatar for kagotsky

[B]Can anyone know what program what's the best for this problem?[/B] -->Create a program that will compute for the sum of all even numbers among the ten integers inputted and print them out. Thanks in advance!:)

Member Avatar for arindam31
Member Avatar for munnate

Hi, i need some pointers on how to approach my assignment. Dont want you to write me the code, just please point me in the right direction. I need to create a C++ program that requires the user to enter 10 student id numbers and the grade they received in …

Member Avatar for moh0
Member Avatar for rayden150

I want to make a Program that takes two inputs one initial number and one final number for example if I input 1 as the beginning number and 13 as the final, I would like the program to output the Fibonacci sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13.. I hope someone understands it.. Pleease i …

Member Avatar for sergent
Member Avatar for imraannaimullah

(Business Accounting) CS Bank Limited updates its customers’ accounts at the end of each month. The bank offers two types of accounts: savings accounts (s) and checking accounts (c). Every customer must maintain a minimum balance. If a customer’s balance falls below the minimum balance, there is a service charge …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for scrivomcdivo

Hey folks. I've just took up a course in C# and so this is part of a homework. I've tried various attempts but to no avail and so I thought I'd ask on here. I have been asked to write a class to verify if a valid double has been …

Member Avatar for bribissell
Member Avatar for sagar d

I have heard that games can be built using c language. I request someone to post the code for a simple game.(if possible,simple code too)..

Member Avatar for imkj
Member Avatar for hadiza

please how can i write a complete c++ program that prints full name and registration number in two lines

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sshejale
Member Avatar for ShadowBorn

I have this assignment due and its a bit tricky, i was wondering how is it possible to incoporate both C-string and a [I]string[/I] object at the same time. Any help would be very very appreciated. thank you all in advance. Here is the actual problem from the book. [B]Write …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for richa_talwar08

Hi All, I need to write a code in C or C++ where some text in text_file_1 needs to be replaced with some other text which is in text_file_2. both the text files are stored at some location Text_file_1 has text: user,pass jojo, beans where jojo and beans need to …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for 24x24

OK I have a project due tonight at midnight and I know I should have posted sooner but it seemed like such simple things that I just knew I could do it on my own. I was wrong. I need your help. I have a program that essentially makes a …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for pxndx

ok so i have a project for school, and i finished so the teacher wants it to read for a .dat the parameters for the java class here is what i got: [CODE]public void cargarCurso(){ try{ BufferedReader fileIn = new BufferedReader( new FileReader("c:/cursoSem2.dat")); String dataRenglon = fileIn.readLine(); while(dataRenglon !=null){ StringTokenizer …

Member Avatar for pxndx
Member Avatar for Psyho

Hi I am in a bit of trouble. what is nedded: Reading a text file character-by-character, using the "get(char)" function. Count the words in the file which contains "w" or "W". The possible delimiters are: '\t','n',' '(space). Do not use arrays. The codes: [COLOR="Red"]MAIN.CPP[/COLOR] [code] #include <iostream> #include "enor.h" using …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for networkZombie

OK so I have to compare Java with C++ and I need to address the following topics - The following topics should be compared: - programming constructs that are in one language and not the other, differences in - programming in one language or the other should be addressed the …

Member Avatar for meo_beo
Member Avatar for pxndx

Hey everyone, i have a project i'm doing for school and i need some help, i'm not a big VB fan (i'm more into java) and i have to make a calender with combo box, numericUpDown a clock and 3 numericUpDowns for hour min and seconds, i would appreciate any …

Member Avatar for pxndx
Member Avatar for 24x24

This is homework. Please do not write my code for me. I did look for this but only found things related to buttons or making a background, none of which had the answers I needed. I have been working on a game. The game has some images floating around and …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for 24x24

I wasn't sure if this should go in games development or here but it's java so I put it here. This is homework so please don't write my code for me. My assignment is to create a game. It has to have moving parts, keyboard controls, buttons, the works. I …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for bangor_boy

Hi, Trying to get this bit of code to work so that a train goes up the track, leaves the track and then a train comes down the track, leaves and then a train comes up the track and so on. Only one train is allowed to go onto the …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for klangston92

Instructions: --For each day, tell which balloon (identify it by time released) traveled the greatest distance on that day (7 values printed). Identify the day by name rather than by number. --For each day, calculate and print the average distance (print one decimal position) traveled by all balloons released on …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for mwmnj

Hi, I am working on an exercise in operator overloading. I've created a matrix class and I am supposed to overload operators so I can do arithmetic on matrices efficiently. My directions say that I am supposed to make two matrix arrays using the class constructor that has 2 parameters …

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for iamthesgt

In my current project (homework), I am storing a pair of values in a map. The ID is an integer, and the value is a string (name of a movie) and an integer (rating of the movie on a 1-5 scale). I need to get the elements into the map …

Member Avatar for drkybelk
Member Avatar for King_Alucard

I got a homework problem, I kind of got the idea for the code but I'm getting errors when I compile it, can somebody give me an idea of what I need to fix so I can make this work. The task is to write a program that contains a …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for loafie55

Create a program that is a Point of Sales (POS) system for a restaurant. Your POS system should allow unlimited orders from any number of guest. Each guest should be able to order a drink, an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert. The program should present a total. In addition, …

Member Avatar for loafie55
Member Avatar for 24x24

My assignment: develop a limited application to track the statistics of sports players. For each player, track first and last name, points scored, assists made, and penalty rate. Design and implement an object capable of recording this info. Implement this object as Player. Must allow user to enter new player …

Member Avatar for yancouto
Member Avatar for 24x24

This is homework. I have the code written, though. The thing works. Mostly. The assignment is to write a program that reads a list of integers from a file, prints the maximum value in the list to the console, removes the maximum value from the list, and stores the (smaller) …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for 24x24

Hey guys I had some homework in a Java class on Friday. I completed it so I am not looking for answers (I also don't think it will be graded). I was just curious, as a learning exercise, how would you guys improve this and why? Now remember I'm a …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for mrblippy

Hi everyone, I am having an issue with a query i am doing for an assignment, i have made an attempt but i know i have not done it right. below is the table structures: Customer: CustomerCode,[pk] CustomerName Movie: MovieCode,[pk] Name, Rating Video: VideoCode,[pk] Name, CustomerSoldTo,[fk1] MovieCode,[fk2] What i have …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for 24x24

Ok, I have three main tasks. One: I need to create a 2 dimensional array that is 8x8 and consists of randomly generated numbers that range from 0-3. I'm assuming the Math.random will be used inside of a for loop with a limit set for length(8) and range(0-3) somehow? Two: …

Member Avatar for 24x24
Member Avatar for xCrusade

Hi, I have been working on this program for a few days.. and I am so far gone I lost myself in my own program. I usually just start from scratch when I get frustrated but there is too much time invested into my heap to give up so I …

Member Avatar for xCrusade
Member Avatar for 24x24

Ok I have another homework problem. Essentially I am to make a text file of randomized characters ( leters bothe upper and lower case, numbers, spaces and specialized characters) and import it as a string into my program. From there I am to make all lowercase letters uppercase. I think …

Member Avatar for 24x24

The End.