6 Topics

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Member Avatar for johncrud

Hello world! I am requiring some assistance with my C# program, where I am getting an error message for having a form where the user would enter in text into a text box. I am trying to detect if the user has pressed the Enter key, and on doing so …

Member Avatar for vaynenick
Member Avatar for imobby

I need to highlight the current key pressed in my C# application. To get the keyboard keys code during keyDown and keyUp events i tried returning the keycodes as protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs keyEvent) { // Gets the key code lblKeyCode.Text = "KeyCode: " + keyEvent.KeyCode.ToString(); } Other way i …

Member Avatar for mvxg
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey. I am trying to make a "virus" that will not let the user exit the program even with pressing Command+Q (oh, ya, I have an Apple). Here is what I have so far: if (keylistener.getKeyCode()==81){ System.out.println("Works"); } I have the println just to see if it works (which it …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey, Is there a way to get the keycode from a char? I tried using KeyEvent.getKeyCode() but the KeyEvent class didn't have a constructor so it was freaking out. I've been searching for 2+ hours already and nothing. My goal is to have a char, convert it to keycode, and …

Member Avatar for caswimmer2011
Member Avatar for manish250

hello all i have a jsp page in which i am using a function for detecting the ascii value of key pressed.it has to give alert if other than any alphabet key is pressed.Below giving the explaining code [CODE] function checkname(e) { var cc=e.keyCode; if(cc >=65 && cc <=90 || …

Member Avatar for Dazamondo

Hi Guys, Probably a simple one but im struggling to find it in VS 2008. How do you enable a VB program to allow a user to press enter rather than click on the button? I have a text box which the user types a number and then clicks a …

Member Avatar for codeorder

The End.