7 Topics

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Member Avatar for madara435

I'm creating a hotkey application and this application does work when focused and also if not focused, so my problem is I cannot disable keyboard keys like ctr+alt+Del or alt+f4 while not focused. I want to disable those keys while the program is running and while unfocused. :D thnx for …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Circaea

Hey guys, I just found out that I'm a semifinalist in Google International Online Science Fair! Thats top 60 out of like 7,500 projects. Right now theres a People's Choice award contest on, with the reward being a $10K scholarship! Can I get some votes from you guys? Just takes …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

i need a command in c++ to scan the first keystroke the user enters ....(i.e) user doesnt have to press <enter> key...i need to scan as soon as he types....please help...thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo
Member Avatar for VichuTheWizard

Hi, I am currently doing a project on remote object communication between Flex 4.1 SDK and Java using Flerry API.I need a Java program that can capture the user keystrokes while the user enter's text in the action-script text-area. i.e I need Java program that captures the keystrokes as user …

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Member Avatar for goodi8u

Hello, I am new to posting, but have searched these wonderful forums for a couple years. I am programming a game as a hobby. And I have been searching for a way to read what the user types. e.g. User types in "hello" and I can take that and send …

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Member Avatar for tincho87

Hi everybody. I'm developing an application that sends keystrokes to another background application. The problem is that i have so send a "Alt+F", but i can't get it to work. I'm using PostMessage: [CODE] [DllImport("User32.Dll", EntryPoint = "PostMessageA")] private static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, int wParam, int lParam); …

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Member Avatar for nsutton

I need help making some key that if the "a" key is pressed it plays a sound. All the tutorials ive seen confuse me so maybe you can help. I've tried a few things but am still confused. Thanks!

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The End.