13 Topics

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Member Avatar for jonsan32

This has been bugging me for quite some time, but I have this page ([https://fiftyallstars.com/value.html)](https://fiftyallstars.com/value.html)) that has 4 labels for 4 sliders. The problem is I can't make the labels line up correctly for both the desktop view ***AND*** the mobile view. Do I have to fix this with two …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I've expanded a small app that started with 50 textboxes and labels to 200 of each. To hide and make these visable I use the codes lblProperty01.Visible = False tbxProperty01.Visible = True lblProperty02.Visible = False tbxProperty02.Visible = True This means there are 400 lines of code to hide and …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for legodadda

Flip Vertical and Print Code: Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, Picture1.ScaleHeight, _ Picture1.ScaleWidth, -Picture1.ScaleHeight, 0, 0, Picture1.ScaleWidth, _ Picture1.ScaleHeight, vbSrcCopy I have seen this code in various places on the web but it does not seem to work. I am trying to get a label to flip to the vertical. Any help …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for SG01

How can I sort label names on buttons within a form. Automatically sort the names and put into the correct place within the form. A-Z order sort can be left to right. Want some sensibility to the form not all mixed up.

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for ppetree

Situation: I have a form (dont we all! LOL) It's in a table (sigh) The table has 4 rows <tr> and 2 columns Each row has a <fieldset> containing multiple <labels> and various types of input fields (input, selects, radio, check) The CSS formats the labels to appear above the …

Member Avatar for aDevS
Member Avatar for Socarsky

How can I get [B]a right value [/B]in label2 that when I click on the equal button at the second or more time? Please help.. I am stuck [CODE]private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (label1.Text == "0" || isActivity == true) { label1.Text = ""; isActivity = false; …

Member Avatar for zmeditation1
Member Avatar for jamie-pu

Hello, Im trying to make a simple equation solver with tkinter. Originally i built it without using classes and it worked fine however I am now trying to use a class. [CODE]from tkinter import * import math class RootFinder(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): self.root1lbl=Label(self.outputframe, text='') …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for dmizz002

Hi all, I am kinda new to the area so please bear with me :) I want to dynamically display an image according to a certain variable obtained from an XML document and I did the following code where intTypeID is a variable whose value changes according to the nodes …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for samp4ever

I need to add a text line in a specified point of a windows form. In this form I draw something and I would like to describe the draw exactly where it is pointed. Is there a way to add a tooltip in a specified point of a Form? For …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for dsmush

Hi I'm trying to get the labels of my form to appear above their input boxes and for the input boxes themselves to be side by side (basically a horizontal login form) I've used the label tag in my form after doing some research which looks like: [CODE]<form> <label for="email">Email</label> …

Member Avatar for dsmush
Member Avatar for laroca

Ok, so I pretty much have my program up and running, but it's not the best looking program aesthetically, and I am trying to do a couple of things to make it look better, and none of them are working. Here is what I want to do. 1) change the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi I had written an in VB.net that took addresses from a database put them into a csv file then took the csv file data and performed a mail merge in Word to allow the user to print them out on to an Avery L7163 label sheet. The app was …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for LJames

I need to create pages of address labels using VB Express, so no Crystal Reports. The end user does not have Office, so no mail merge either. I am using an Access table for data source. I need to be able to save it as a pdf so the documents …

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The End.