10 Topics

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I have been trying to call a C++ function in a DLL, from a C# WPF application I'm working on. I've done it before and it's worked but I can't remember how I did it and can't seem to find an example that works for me. I'm doing something wrong …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for nuclear

I need to use forms, widgets etc. in my program which already takes care of creating a window and such. So the question is, would it be okay to use Windows lib to add the needed features, such as a form with a few widgets without any errors, memory leaks …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for al41007

Hey! for a school project, came to me the following question: the libopenmetaverse is more directed to any of the components of the MVC (model, view, controller) or apply to any of them? someone can help me with this? thanks

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Member Avatar for MicroD

Hello guys. I'm wondering is it possible to stream mp3 songs from some site with java? I tried to find something but allways everything what i found was only for reading mp3 songs from local disk. If you know feel free to answer me. - Regards, David.

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for yuri1969

Hi, I'm fighting with [B]make[/B] for hours and I rly don't know where is my problem. I need to have a static lib libxml.a and an application (make.c) which uses it. I tried to compile it under GCC 4.4.5 and 4.5.0 and the compilation run fine. But under GCC 4.3.2 …

Member Avatar for Martin B
Member Avatar for neoraghav

Hi, i have created dll and lib files using vc++ 6.0.. how can i use this files in my program.... i want to know how to link the lib and dll file in which ever program i want using vc++ 6.0 please help..... thank you....

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Member Avatar for Rentier

I have a USB device (analog-digital converter) and DLL library for it (mDAQ.h, mDAQ.lib and mDAQ.dll). Can I use functions of this library in VB? How it may be done?

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, I have a question here :) Suppose I have a library in source code form (Let say [URL="http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/"]mysql++[/URL]) and I have built it, and now I have the files (.h, .lib, .dll). How do I combine them in project? I use [URL="http://www.codeblocks.org"]code blocks[/URL] Why I ask? Because [URL="http://www.python.org"]Python[/URL] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for jjplaw

I have a protocol package that includes a list of .lib and its .h files that i wish to convert to dll to be used in a C++ environment. The .lib and .h files were developed in C. How do i go about it? I'm using VS 2005. Please advise.

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The End.