632 Topics

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Yes, almost every single business out there wants to start a social media outreach, but I do wonder, from a marketing standpoint, which objectives are you trying to measure or answer with a social media campaign? IS it engagement? Or does having a Facebook page increase brick n mortal sales? …

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Member Avatar for nysilly

Hey everyone, Membership website is $1.50/mo and the membership includes: games and challenges with real cash prizes ranging from $5 - $100. I have 3 lousy members. Ive dumped $300 into facebook ads, $100 into myspace ads, $300 into google ads, adgitize ads, projectwonderful ads, $10/mo on blogcatalog, and I …

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Member Avatar for MDesign

I am new to the forum and new to Software Development, I am running a design business at the moment and want to have built a marketing web app, where all my websites I make have a system that goes with them that checks the ranking everyday and checks everything …

Member Avatar for jingle_br
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This is pretty funny stuff. If you know the internet marketer Frank Kern. This guy is doing a spoof on them Funny stuff [URL="http://frankreese.com"]FrankReese.com[/URL]

Member Avatar for happygeek

With the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson still ongoing, and claims over the paternity of Paris Jackson hitting the headlines with the involvement of the chap who rose to fame as Oliver in the film way back when and then plummeted to obscurity, you might think that it …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Mike Maser, Chief Strategy Officer at Digg, has [URL="http://blog.digg.com/?p=928"]confirmed[/URL] that Digg Ads will start rolling out in an early beta format during the next few days. So expect to start seeing sponsored Diggs mixed up with the real stuff, although the adverts will carry a 'sponsored by' title the screenshots …

Member Avatar for pakidesigner
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[URL="http://www.comscore.com"]comScore[/URL] has just published data from the Video Metrix service which shows that the number of online videos being viewed here in the UK is up 47 percent on a year ago and fast approaching 5 billion in April 2009 when the measuring period ended. Google did best out of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Over the last year, Microsoft ads have been simply bad on one end of the spectrum and horrible on the other. It's really time for the company to reconsider their ad agency choices and their overall strategy because right now they are throwing good money after bad. I had one …

Member Avatar for Lead Goat
Member Avatar for happygeek

You might wonder why a 10 year old web building business managed to become the number one trending topic on Twitter this last week, with the moonfruit hashtag being tweeted in excess of 10,000 times an hour at one point. The answer is not as straightforward as some would have …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] controversy rages on, by the looks of things. In the UK the latest influencer to condemn the micro blogging service is one Matthew Gwyther, who edits Management Today, one of our major management sites. He's written about how useless the service is because, among other things, you can't …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

There are ways of marketing yourself using social media and there are ways of not doing so. One of the ways of not doing so is by making a complete fool of yourself and then allowing the fact to get out. Take the marketing company in [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/7914415.stm"]this story[/URL]. That's Ivell …

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[URL="http://www.webinknow"]David Meerman Scott[/URL] (who is also a fellow contributing editor at [URL="http://www.econtentmag.com"]EContent Magazine[/URL]) is an expert in social networking and using the internet as a marketing tool and speaks frequently on the subject. His best selling book, [URL="http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/books.htm"]The New Rules of Marketing and PR[/URL] was published in 2007 and was …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Apple has had marked success with the '[URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20808/53/"]I'm a Mac[/URL]' advertising campaigns, and Microsoft is back banging it's head against a seeming brick wall of indifference with the ongoing 'I'm a PC' marketing drive that has featured both Bill Gates and [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/20745/53/"]Steve 'Monkey Dancer' Ballmer[/URL]. Now, it would appear, that …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

According to a recent [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/11/23/microsoft-to-rebrand-search-will-it-be-kumo/"]TechCrunch article[/URL], Microsoft is planning to rename its Live Search product, Kumar, which means cloud or spider in Japanese. What Microsoft needs to learn, and what the [URL="http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/"]Get a Mac ads [/URL]have captured so well, is that it's not about PR or branding or the name …

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Rory Cellan-Jones, the BBC technology Correspondent, is apparently the most visible person online in the UK according to the latest MostPublic Index due to be published tomorrow. The NowPublic network, which acts as a detailed barometer of whose voices are the most heard in the digital landscape, reveals that Cellan-Jones …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

It's been about a week now since the now infamous Motrin ad hit the air waves. It caused a social media firestorm the likes of which the internet might never have seen and that's saying something. If for some reason, you haven't heard, you can go to [URL="http://parenting.amuchbetterway.com/the-motrin-mom-videos/"]parenting.amuchbetterway.com[/URL] and see …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Over the past year or so, [URL="http://twitter.com/"]Twitter[/URL] has become a full-blown communications phenomenon. For those of you who don't follow every social networking trend. Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you enter your thoughts, whatever they may be, in 140 or characters or less. Experts say if you aren't paying …

Member Avatar for khess

Day four at VMWorld was short for me due to poor planning on my part--my flight out of Las Vegas at noon. I entered the show early yesterday when it was mostly just the vendors hanging around waiting for the hoard to arrive. I walked through the floor with the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have ever been vaguely interested in search beyond the simple 'where can I find x' type question, and perhaps more from an 'who is asking about y' or 'where is z the most popular' instead, then listen up. Google has announced the launch of [URL="http://www.google.com/insights/search"]Insights for Search[/URL] which …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to an [URL="http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208401867"]Information Week[/URL] article, it would appear that gamers actually like the in-game adverts that they see while they play. Or rather Massive Inc, a Microsoft subsidiary that handles in-game advertising, has said as much. Gamers were surveyed and the results suggest that they will happily accept such …

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The last few days have been interesting ones for those of us who have nothing better to do than follow online gossip and trends. Especially so when you consider that the big gossip in the world of search has been how some rather well known sites have seen their PageRank …

Member Avatar for Dani
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[URL="http://www.comscore.com/"]comScore Media Metrix[/URL] has published its monthly analysis of US online consumer activity showing that education related sites spiked during August as schools and universities began another academic year. With lottery jackpots reaching record highs, lotto and sweepstake sites also proved popular as did the sports genre what with the …

Member Avatar for newsguy

The [URL="http://www.comscore.com/"]comScore Media Metrix[/URL] monthly analysis of U.S. consumer activity at top online properties for March 2007 has been released, and shows a change at the top of the rankings. Several key players in the social networking space experienced gains, as did those looking to both make and save money …

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The Linux mascot, Tux, is about to introduce himself to the masses—by driving really, really fast. [URL="http://tux500.com"]Tux500.com[/URL], a Linux marketing site, is working to raise $350,000 to take primary sponsorship of Stephan Gregoire's car in the Indianapolis 500 race on May 27. So far, only about $6000 has been raised, …

Member Avatar for helios
Member Avatar for happygeek

In something of an unusual twist of late, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google [/URL]would appear to be playing catch up to [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft [/URL]for once. The Redmond giants bought the market leader in the in-game advertising business, [URL="http://www.massiveincorporated.com/"]Massive Inc[/URL], last May for close on $200 million. Today Google has confirmed it has finalized the deal …

Member Avatar for cbemerine
Member Avatar for happygeek

One of the biggest names in keyword research, [URL="http://www.wordtracker.com"]Wordtracker[/URL], has announced the availability of separate UK keywords, rather than forcing British search marketers to depend on worldwide data including keywords from every English speaking region for their SEO campaigns. The ability to fine tune campaigns to the local market should …

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J.K.Rowling has now officially announced that the latest, and last, in the Harry Potter series of books will be called ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ putting an end to the frenzy of speculation on the subject over the last few months. While it has been genuine fans interested in …

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A UK company has launched what it claims to be the first search engine that lets you not only search for specific moments within a video, but click on and interact with moving objects during online playback. [URL="http://coull.tv"]Coull.tv [/URL] has adopted a community approach, which we thoroughly approve of here …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I have long been a fan of [URL="http://www.blinkx.tv"]Blinkx[/URL] the video search engine that, as far as I am concerned, pretty much prompted the whole genre and introduced the idea of live video search and stream done properly. So I was interested to receive word from Blinkx founder and CTO Suranga …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Please forgive me if I am a little slow in flagging this up, but it has only just floated across my radar: you can now implement Google AdSense for search results on your own page, displaying the all important revenue generating adverts alongside the search results without directing readers off-site. …

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The End.