5 Topics

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Member Avatar for kairoland

I'm adding an extension to my Wiki - or, at least trying to. I'll reiterate, I'm using Mediawiki. For the most part I can figure things out on my own but I've rarely used MySQL other than making databases for CMS and forums. I've completely new to creating tables and …

Member Avatar for fladei

Hello dear Community. Just to know if any of you have developed MediaWiki extensions, and how do you do that? I´ve been looking in the web and I have found nothing at all, or at least, nothing clear enough to create a simple "Hello world" extension to media wiki. Any …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for fladei

<!-- IMPORTANT: Fill out the "Subject/headline" box above. Then go to your wiki's [[Special:Version]] page and note your software version info below. --> * MediaWiki version: 1.16.0 beta3 * PHP version: 5.3.3 * MySQL version: 5.1.41 * URL: localhost <!-- Now, please report your error, or ask your support question below. (You can …

Member Avatar for fladei
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have just noticed with my media wiki installation that all of my pictures in mediawiki are suddenly broken. The files are there but if I enter the path location in the url bar it takes infinit time to load (never loads - no error). Same for in …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I spent the day yesterday at [URL="http://www.enterprise2conf.com/"]Enterprise 2.0[/URL] in Boston, all in all a fascinating day and great conference, but what caught my attention was a presentation by two representatives of the CIA, and I’m not talking about the Culinary Institute of America, but *the* CIA, as in the preeminent …

Member Avatar for guineu

The End.