6 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tigran

Hello guys, I've been playing with Direct2D lately, and found out (from a presentation) that converting geometries into meshes makes rendering a lot faster So, how do I do this? I tried this: [CODE] hr = RenderEngine.D2DFactory->CreateRectangleGeometry(D2D1::RectF(0,0,10,10), &pGem); hr = RenderEngine.RenderTarget->CreateMesh(&pMesh); hr = pMesh->Open(&pSink); hr = pGem->Tessellate(D2D1::Matrix3x2F::Identity(), pSink); hr = …

Member Avatar for dlayne718
Member Avatar for Encheiridion

hi, i need to past *.x 3d model file into vb6 script. can someone recomend some comprehensively teaching online redaction about? it will be good if there could possibly find way of puting multiple objects in. ex three to see the regle. thanks, i will publish the resultats, for next …

Member Avatar for nickoooname

Hi Guys, Im currently working on a school project but im stuck, if worked on this problem for over 4 days now and i cant fix it. Using Direct3D 9, Visual studio 2010, im trying to make create a heightmap. Im using a bmp file. Problem: the heightmap doesn't show …

Member Avatar for inquisitivemind

Hi All, I am working on a graphics project which involves simplification of images using triangle decimation. I am coding along the lines of [url]http://mgarland.org/software/qslim.html[/url] and [url]http://jsomers.com/vipm_demo/meshsimp.html[/url]. The problem is that for the ply file that i have and the implementation that i did, there are small triangles spewed across …

Member Avatar for Colezy

Hi all, Ok, a little bit of background before I start. I am working on some 2D visualisation software to show a cross-section of a magnet yoke with colour coded sections showing the force. The diagram has 10 discrete colour sections, not a continuous blend of colour. The data I …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger Sometimes you're the ball ~Mark Knopfler, The Bug[/I] Technology moves so quickly it's a bit like the weather in New England. If you don't like it, wait five minutes. To prove this, not long after I published my post last week, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2351.html"]Microsoft Misses the Boat …


The End.