7 Topics

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Member Avatar for jrivera

I have an Exchange account setup in Outlook 2007. I've been racking my brain on how to set up e-mail rules such that they'll show up in Outlook and be server-side rules. The odd thing is that I have server-side rules set up in OWA (even though the rules have …

Member Avatar for kexx

We are implementing a reporting system (.net 4.0, c#) that contains all the sender/recipient/timestamp information for all the emails for all the users. We have the requirement that this application should be able to communicate with Exchange 2007 SP1 and Exchange 2010 servers, thus, using the Exchange Web Service Managed …

Member Avatar for jlego

is it possible to do the following: is there a way to prevent and/or alert whenever a user on my exchange 2007 server reaches a maximum send limit for the day. say i limit then to 150 outgoing messages a day, if it exceeds this number alert administrator to the …

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Member Avatar for mikegeig

Hello everyone, I am running Exchange 2007 and outlook 2003. I have a user who created a folder and filled it with emails. She then wished to send the entire folder to another user. Is there a simple way to transfer the folder from one mailbox to another? Thank you.

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

If you've been clinging to the interoffice email and calendaring capabilities of Microsoft Exchange as your company's last vestige of proprietary software, it's really time to consider giving up the ghost. Open source collaboration software vendor [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/"]Open-Xchange, Inc.[/URL] announced recently it now offers its flagship product, Open-Xchange, as an [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/en/products/open-xchange-appliance-edition-en"]appliance …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Fellow DaniWeb blogger Guy Clapperton [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2585.html"]makes some excellent points[/URL] about why, as a "self-employed Mac user," he bought himself a new iPhone following yesterday's announcement of the new 3G model. Are there any compelling reasons to get a new iPhone if you're a corporate employee or business owner, though? Actually, …

Member Avatar for Dani

In an effort to compete with the Blackberry, and gain momentum in the business world, the iPhone now has full support for Microsoft Exchange, one of the major factors holding the professional back from splurging on an iPhone. While Apple is now going full force trying to make the iPhone …


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