67 Topics

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Even though RIAA executives will probably spit out their coffee if they happen upon this post, I’m going to give you a round-up of some of my favorite free (and completely legal) internet music services. [URL="http://www.we7.com"]WE7[/URL]: This free site delivers free tracks from mostly unknown artists (although you will find …

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Do you remember the MPMan F10 which was launched way back in March 1998? Probably not, which is a shame as it was a hugely important, and rather huge, device in the overall scheme of things. The first MP3 player, 10 years old this month, is fondly remembered in detail …

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Yes, in a bizarre twist and turn of fate, the original bad boy of illegal MP3 downloads which then went legit and hooked subscribers into music with Microsoft's digital rights management system has changed tack and announced it is to sell MP3 format tunes. So, OK, maybe not a real …

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A [URL="http://blogs.allofmp3.ru/music_news"]statement[/URL] from the All of MP3 folk reads "the service will be resumed in the foreseeable future. We are doing our best at the moment to ensure that all our users can use their accounts, top up balance and order music." This follows a Moscow district court ruling earlier …

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Microsoft just released their iPod killer -- except that it isn't killing the iPod. Although it looks promising, it has had a number of [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/13/installing-the-zune-sucked/"]negative Zune reviews[/URL]. It may seem like the Zune is a total flop, after all, "it's from MS". But no, I don't think that is the …

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You cannot fault the Japanese arm of Mc Donald’s for moving with the times and giving away Flash MP3 players as prizes in a competition to customers who bought large Coca-Cola drinks. But, to be honest, I would rather have had the usual tacky plastic movie tie-in toy because at …

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Well I suppose it will be Apple’s worst ever Christmas gift. For months people have been anticipating a music player from Microsoft commonly known as iPod Killer (for no apparent reason). Well the iPod killer has been finally confirmed and has been code-named as Zune (strange name?). It is expected …

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The End.