151 Topics

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Member Avatar for roshan_iiita

I need any Open Source Sentence Grammar Corrector for one of my projects. I searched it on Google but couldn't find any. All the results coming link to only Grammar Checker tools only not grammar corrector. Please suggest me any open source tool which can correct the grammar also or …

Member Avatar for luzysmith
Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia

I'm working on a project, and i put in some code to tell the program when to stop. Basically it completes it's task then shuts itself down, however it outputs information to a text box aka log. I'd like to stop the program from running, yet leave the log open …

Member Avatar for c.pentasuglia
Member Avatar for devilsk

Hello, I need help with making a code that opens a random file in a directory... The files will be called: 1.txt 2.txt etc... Could someone please reply?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for VengefulToast

Will someone please tell me why I keep getting my custom file not found exception? The file is spelled correctly and is in the same directory of my java file. I am programming on Eclipse on Mac OS X. Here is my source: // Dillon Sheffield // Lab 10a // …

Member Avatar for VengefulToast
Member Avatar for razamughal67

Hello every one i think all is fine i want to open a folder with a file path Example: i have a file path c:\testfile.txt now we want to open folder of this file where save my testfile.txt file using a command botton i mean {open containing folder} please help …

Member Avatar for razamughal67
Member Avatar for JavaLearners123

Hello, I'm in my first year in software development program and need help with the following program. I've spent hours working on it. Any help is greatly appreciated. Write a java program that will open a file, read each of the records from the file, use that data to populate …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for Rubinder singh

I have tries run Angry Birds Game on my laptop But it says that opengl not suppoted. I use lenovo ideapad s10 with windows 7 ultimate on it. Plz Tell me the solution how can i get opengl suppot on my laptop....

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ads1188

Hi all, I am new to programming and having been experimenting various codes recently. I have managed to link 2 form so that when i click a button on Form1, Form2 opens. I am using the code [CODE]Form2^open2 = gcnew Form2(); open2->Show();[/CODE] This codes work fine. Is there a way …

Member Avatar for ads1188
Member Avatar for jarograv

I currently have this code: [CODE]import java.util.Random; import java.io.*; public class randomdwarf { public static void main(String[]args)throws IOException { String dwarves[]= {"Dopey", "Sneezy", "Happy", "Sleepy", "Grumpy", "Bashful", "Doc"}; Random generator = new Random(); int randomIndex = generator.nextInt( 7 ); System.out.println(dwarves[randomIndex]); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("H:\\Profile\\Desktop\\dwarves\\Doc.jpeg"); } }[/CODE] It is a very simple code that …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hi, I am looking for the worlds most realistic open world racing game. My definition of realism is: 1: when youre going 200 miles an hour, and when you crash into a wall youre car is all smashed (need for speed has a huge problem with that). 2: Realistic driving …

Member Avatar for Highave
Member Avatar for giancan

Dear all, I built 2 script to manage 2 different frames (which I will then convert to exe with py2exe). Frame 1 (GG1) is like this [CODE]import wx # begin wxGlade: extracode # end wxGlade class MyFrame(wx.Frame): functions here ... if __name__ == "__main__": app = wx.PySimpleApp(0) wx.InitAllImageHandlers() GG1 = …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i'm develping a system which opens a jquery dialog onclick of a image. but i fuond out that when an body wrap is there (a div) an it has a style [ICODE]float:left[/ICODE]. dialog opens after the page.. how can i fix this without removing [ICODE]float:left[/ICODE]? help needed soon. thanks …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have this program that uses OLEDB connection to open the excel file, and imports it's data. Then I use mysql connection to inserts all this data. Now my question is, is it possible that I can use mysql connection in opening the excel file, or only OLEDB connection …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have this program that validates error and then logs it in a text file, but here is the problem, I want to know how show the text file that has been made after the logs have been written, for example, I have validated all the errors, and then …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for ng5

hey guys i was wondering if anybody knew how to open an array into visual basic. I have it saving as a text file correctly but i have no idea on how to open it up to use it again. what i have so far is [CODE] Private Sub Hour1ToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for glut

Hello. I have a severe problem with open(). Here is my actual code. [ICODE] #!/usr/bin/perl $file = '/testerpage.php'; # Name the file open(INFO, $file); # Open the file @lines = <INFO>; # Read it into an array close(INFO); # Close the file print @lines; # Print the array <>; [/ICODE] …

Member Avatar for glut
Member Avatar for ykbks

Hey there! Im new here, well, as a member, but not as a viewer. anyways, i am making a vb project, novice one. i need to open a file located in d:\\Documents\\MB.accdb now, i would be very happy if i would get the code to open the file, not in …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for thines01

Here are two examples of opening read streams to files on an FTP server. One example uses the FtpWebRequest method. One example uses the WebClient method. Here is a method of testing those functions: [CODE] using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; namespace UseFtpStreamExample { using FtpReadStreams; class Program …

Member Avatar for Natsu

I have a file with bunch of lines and I want add html tag for in every line in file Example: [ICODE] 1. [url]www.google.com[/url] 2. [url]www.facebook.com[/url] .... 107. [url]www.daniweb.com[/url] [/ICODE] and the result I want in the end: [ICODE] <p>1: <a href="www.google.com" target="blank">www.google.com</a></p> [/ICODE] ..so I have 180 lines in …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for shruti.cs17

I know this is kind of silly but I am getting confused and don't know where to add the OnSubmit function which is supposed to open the SaveEvent.php file (its in the www directory). As of now the code doesn't work. As in nothing happens when I click the submit …

Member Avatar for mathieu89
Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I'm running the latest OpenSuse 11.4. I have knowledge of C++ programming and I think I'm ready to start using graphics. I have downloaded [URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/alleg/files/allegro/5.0.4/allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz/download"]allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz[/URL], extracted it and tried to include allegro.h file in my C++ code. Here is my testing file for allegro. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include "/Documents/Allegro/include/allegro5/allegro.h" int …

Member Avatar for lawnmoler
Member Avatar for mmoorehead

A few days ago I found that I was no longer able to use application functions that access (browse) the system file directory...such as the OPEN buttons...the SAVE AS function....downloading or uploading files...etc. Any ideas? Windows Vista Home Premium - 64bit - SP2

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for seamus400

I've found some similar posts on opening different files with the same file stream but they are difficult to understand. I'm trying to figure out for a larger project why I can't use the same file stream as in this example and what an alternative solution may be. And yes …

Member Avatar for seamus400
Member Avatar for digitalhead

Hi, I wanted to write a C program which searches for text files in a directory(assuming the directory and files are not write protected),list them and open each one of them(files) write a letter A in them.Can anyone give me a sample code. I believe it can be done with …

Member Avatar for ashok.bandari88
Member Avatar for kytro360

What I am trying to do is make a program that lets the user save profiles and open profiles. When they save the project I want all the fields in the text fields to be saved into a file. Also lets say they want to open another project how can …

Member Avatar for MoZo1

Hi! I have been creating animated gifs with flash till now, but since here is HTML5, I don't need flash anymore. But any other program I try (yes, I tried google) want to make me to draw every damn frame one by one, and can't do a simple movement or …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

hi, i am just wondering how to open a picture of a normal format. I know that you cant do it in the console. And i am using the compiler DEV-C++. Thanks

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for WolfShield

I am going through a tutorial and have come to opening a file. I'm running it in Command Prompt, but I know there is no problem with that because I have been running code in it without problems. Here is the code I'm supposed to be typing: [CODE=Python] f = …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for ptara1

I would like to be able to create a script that displays whether or not a store is open when the user looks at the page. It would be simple if some didn't close for an hour during the day. I could set it up: MondayOpen 800 MondayClosed 1600 and …

Member Avatar for ptara1
Member Avatar for DerrickC

I have written the following program. It collects inventory information and stores it in a file. I need to write a separate program that will access that file and give me the totals of the information stored in it ie. (quantity,wholesalecost,retailcost). What I'm specifically having trouble with is how to …

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The End.