19 Topics

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Member Avatar for Papa_Don

Group, I can't seem to append multiple files into one text file. Unfortunately it's creating the first file but is not creating or appending the additional files into the first file. My code looks like this: getRestranName = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(folderName) Dim counter As Integer = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(folderName).Count fileCount = Convert.ToInt32(counter) fileCount = …

Member Avatar for Papa_Don
Member Avatar for Khan2014

Hi All, iam reading in a textfile as a string and i need to find the stx, etx of each string. so the textfile is like this data 0.88878 data 0.88899 does anyone know as easy way of doing this? thanks for the help

Member Avatar for opel123

okay so hi, my problem is on (i think) case 3(the delete), it actually works when you input a movie title of example: armageddon(2012), but if you input a title that has spaces in between example: when i met your mother(2009), it just crashes. i don't know what to do …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Lloyd_2

Im kinda still new at java and with help, developed a java file that will take numbers from a text file and calculate a invoice that will format like this: Invoice -------------------------- Account Amount Due 10011 $12.25 10033 $11.70 -------------------------- Total $23.95 I got it to print out to console …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Quazy

Hello, I would appreciate some help to import data from a text file to a datagridview. If anyone could give me a hint to get started... The textfiles have the column name in the "[ ]" I would like to read the data after the [wp], [pos], [rad] blocks, the …

Member Avatar for Quazy
Member Avatar for jesskavidja

I have a bit of a baffling problem! I'm writing a tag matcher in XML and whenever I run the below procedure, I get a garbage value after the name of every tag **except for the first one**. When I add the array text to the parameters list, the garbage …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for student125

I want to know how I can implement a function to open a file and read its contents into a linked list, and then print the contents reversed #include <stdio.h> typedef struct stack { char b[100]; int top; }stack; void push(stack *s,char k) { if(s->top==99) printf("\n Stack is full "); …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for utchia

hi i have been working on my project to create a store and i have to add items and sell items, and once i add items i store them into a textfile separated by commas, and i made the add item button work perfectly but i am having trouble with …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for DelilahDemented

My program will process the first and second line of the text file but gets a bit crazy after that. Lines 1, 2, 3, and 5 are supposed to match and line 4 does not. It gets lines 1 and 2 but 3 and 5 are incorrect and it processes …

Member Avatar for DelilahDemented
Member Avatar for linezero

I have code in a txt file public class TestClass { static void main(String[] args) { int id; int number; id = 3; number = 33 telNo = id int id; } } I know how to read the file using bufferedreader and get the line number but i would …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for userIT

I have this code that supposed to display the values from an array to a text file #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int array[7][4]; fstream file2; template< typename T > void display( const vector< vector<T> >& matrix ) { for(int i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for userIT
Member Avatar for abc_123abc

hi all.. i have the option to save the contents of the listview that was saved into text file. now i would like to load the text file into datagridview in vb.net but i have no idea how to do it as this is my first time in doing it …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, How can I create a dialogbox, I think that will allow user to open or to save as a textfile? Is it possible? If yes, how can it be made? Thanks

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I have this program that validates error and then logs it in a text file, but here is the problem, I want to know how show the text file that has been made after the logs have been written, for example, I have validated all the errors, and then …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for Danielhuo

I am writing a program that has a few requirements. Here is what it looks like the picture that I attached. [B][COLOR="red"]The first button is used to add (append) a record to a text file containing MP3 records.[/COLOR][/B] When an MP3 is added to the file, all text fields should …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for RealNoob

Hi as u all probably notice Im a noob with Delphi Is it possible to code a case like I did below If it is please correct my faults I made so that it would run redSpan is a rich edit edt1s is a edit chelsea and arsenal are textfiles …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for rjdelight

I have a simple text file that I am reading the contents of in a GUI. It's a simple program that enables a user to browse the file and add to it if needed. I have this part running fine, but I'm having some difficulty reading just the first word …

Member Avatar for Slyvr
Member Avatar for battlex2010

Hello every one i have a text file containing following data(it is a config file for another program): [pos] 100 [lastsave] 10 How do i replace the value of [pos] i.e 100 with 200?? Thanks BattleX

Member Avatar for battlex2010
Member Avatar for r0n

hello everyone, got issue regarding reading duplicate records in a text file... i need to read the file and look for any duplicates data/keys in the text file and write them to another file (all the duplicates records)... how can i do that, in looping...:-/ any help...:) thanks!

Member Avatar for r0n

The End.