3 Topics

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I was wondering how I could display more than 256 colors with the VGA color palette. correct me if I'm wrong, but the reason that you can't display more than 256 colors at once is because each byte in video memory corresponds to one pixel on the screen. But because …

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I would like to know how to display more than 256 colors in DOS I already know about the color palette which can hold 256 colors and can be changed, but as soon as you change them the colors on the screen change. So how would I display more than …

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Member Avatar for ThatGuy2244

I have tried to set the colors of the vga color palette here is my code: [CODE] mov ax, 0x13 int 0x10 mov ax, 0xa000 mov es, ax mov al, 2 mov bh, 63 mov bl, 0 mov ch, 0 call SetPalette mov si, 344 mov byte [es:si], 2 Hang: …


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