1,633 Topics

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Member Avatar for gwong

Hi, I am new to using the Soap::WSDL module. How would I go about getting rid of this parsing error? [code] #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use SOAP::WSDL +trace => 'all'; use Data::Dumper; my $ops = 'http://ops.epo.org/wsdl/ops.wsdl'; eval { my $soap=SOAP::WSDL->new( wsdl => $ops, ); }; if ($@) { print "wsdl error: …

Member Avatar for AdnanMehmood

hi i am new to this forum.i have a problem regarding to my project.The problem is that I can extract the email from the server and then I have a task to summarized the email and then SMS that summarized email.So that a email can be converted into 1 sms. …

Member Avatar for khess

It isn't quite Perl version 6 but it's well on its way. Between now and Monday, [URL="http://www.activestate.com"]ActiveState[/URL] will release version 5.12 of its cross platform, easily installed ActivePerl. Version 5.12 offers more than simple bug fixes; it's a major release that some developers look toward with great anticipation. The major …

Member Avatar for vesnushka

I want to use $#array. But # makes the next words commented. Is it possible to avoid such situation? [CODE] for ($i =0; $i <= $#array; ++$i) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for vesnushka
Member Avatar for gwong

Hi, I am new to using the Soap::Lite perl module. Here is a piece of code to retrieve an image, but it does not seem to working properly. [code] #!/usr/local/bin/perl # Load the SOAP library use SOAP::Lite; # Service details my $NAMESPACE = 'http://ops.epo.org//soap-services/document-retrieval'; my $ENDPOINT = 'http://ops.epo.org//soap-services/document-retrieval'; # Create …

Member Avatar for bradleykirby

Hi, new to Perl. Learning regular expressions. Im trying to validate a form field using regular expressions. Field criteria is: - Begin with a letter - 4-8 characters long - must include at least 1 digit So far Ive got: [code] $fieldValid=$username=~/^\D\w{3,7}\d+/; [/code] I read this as "beginning with any …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for MadSkyrim

Hi all, I need a perl script that can open files (given in command line arguments) and extract/print out any dates or times found in it. The format of the dates and times can be any reasonable format. The problem I have is I don't know how to print out …

Member Avatar for MadSkyrim
Member Avatar for lastlight

Howdy all, For some reason I just can't get my modules imported into my CGI script and run in a browser. It will print the HTML fine in a command prompt call, but the browser gives an "Internal Error 500." Error in Firefox & IE: Server error! The server encountered …

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for odubhthaigh

So; I have a list in a text file that contains sections of a what would be filenames.. I'm wanting to read from this text file into I guess an array, unless there's a better way to do it.. and then find the file that matches with each of the …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Jammie

Hi there, Could someone tell me if it's safe to edit PCL(Printer Command Language) files in Windows? I've a bunch of PCL files to edit and each PCL file is different when it comes to the header part. So, I'm not able to figure out a standard simple way to …

Member Avatar for Prakash_8111

Hey Guys, I am developing one tool on perl to moniter mysql database in many systems(in all types of OS). I want to track some info like this getting databases parameters , getting database schemas, get logspace .... etc , what could be the good approach in perl.. If you …

Member Avatar for bulgin

Is there a method in Linux to monitor a port for activity, then when found, execute a script? For example, when tftp port 69 is accessed, run a script that runs commands. thank you.

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for ninja_girl

I was wondering if it were possible to extract the hashes from the XML:: Simple output without knowing the elements' name beforehand? I've searched the web and only found tutorials how to get elements from a certain file with certain tags. [CODE]use XML::Simple; use XML::Parser; use Data::Dumper; my $file1 = …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for lastlight

Hello again, Whenever I run a certain .exe in my CGI script, it opens the process but does not bring up the application. I am forced to close it out through task manager. Both exec & system have the same result. I created an autoit script to run the .exe …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for odubhthaigh

So; new to this perl mess But I'm wanting to write a little snippet that performs what seems to be a simple action. I have three text files Text1 contains a list of items that are required Text2 contains a list of items (some may be on the list of …

Member Avatar for odubhthaigh
Member Avatar for Manny7

Hey there :) i am trying this part of code, which testing arguments on command line: [CODE] use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( "verbose" => \$verbose, "get" => \$get ); print "verbose = $verbose\n"; print "get = $get\n"; [/CODE] In my script i have several arguments, with which my script working (any sequence). …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for wildgunman

I'm currently learning how to read through large groups of text files to scan for key words for some research work I'm doing. I came across an example that I don't fully understand, mostly because my Perl knowledge is a little piecemeal and it's been tough trying to find a …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for Zafrusteria

I have a need to strip "some" of the comments from a C file. The comments can be C or C++ style and can ofcourse be part, single or multi line comments. As in [code=c]/* usual C style comment */ int i; /* this is going to count things */ …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for pjrey

i have an old CGI script i have been using for years for my guestbook... i don't want to update it, it works fine, its lite, easy.. ok.. but, lately i have been getting nailed by bots posting... i need to install some sort of captcha.. and that is where …

Member Avatar for pjrey
Member Avatar for flashkarni

hello, i'm having trouble printing arrays to file. each time i run this code, i get only two results max. if the array has 2 genres, i get them but no languages. if the array has 1 genre i get it and only 1 language. if the array has more …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for murali_perl

I need a perl script for the following case. Input is a text file with the following content AB001. I need to replace the text with AB002 in a new file. This has to go on until AB999. ie., At the end there should be 999 files with the contents …

Member Avatar for murali_perl
Member Avatar for john_prince

Hi, We've a requirement wherein we're provided with a csv file, within the file there is a name field, and some of names are very long and are causing issues while importing. What we want is pull out these kind of rows containing longer names and send it back to …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for pjrey

hello, i use a simple log script on my site.. very basic.. i would like to modify it, and am having issues.. here is what i would like... i would like to be able to have it filter out certian HOST names.. but not exact.. say for instance, i dont …

Member Avatar for pjrey
Member Avatar for Raf99

Hi, I have a Word doc and a front page doc. I am looking to create a script that will look through the 1st document and take any text between two tags (ex: <h1>text text</h1> and then copy it to another file between two tags (say <tr>%text will go here%</tr>. …

Member Avatar for Raf99
Member Avatar for ItecKid

Hello, Question regarding the connect function (in Socket), how to specify a specific port? The function only accepts two arguments, the socket and the ip. I have multiple devices on the same ip but different ports that I need to connect to, how to do this in Perl? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Abinila
Member Avatar for abdulraqeeb33

Hi, I have few weblogs, example below - - [27/Jan/2007:00:02:10 -0500] "GET /~jking/images/ralph.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 66196 - - [27/Jan/2007:00:02:27 -0500] "GET /~jkabara/Research.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 4696 - - [27/Jan/2007:00:02:29 -0500] "GET /~mweiss/new/background.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 3905 - - [27/Jan/2007:00:02:35 -0500] "GET /%7Epaws/project_pacer.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 15645 - - …

Member Avatar for abdulraqeeb33
Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq

Hi there I am translating PERL code into python and i am new on both language.I have one question if we have hash key reference in PERL like this way $a->{b} how we can traslate it into PYTHON? and if we have this code $a->{$b} , how we translate it …

Member Avatar for sarfrazashfaq
Member Avatar for mcintosh

Gentlemen and Ladies - Help!!! We have converted a legacy COBOL system that has about 500,000 lines of code to the web using MicroFocus tools and Perl. We are using ActiveState Perl 5.8.9 on Windows Server 2003 .Perl is the "glue" for the system. The front ends sole purpose is …

Member Avatar for johndoe444

The following code fragment from Programming Pearls: [CODE]for i = [0, n) if comlen(a[i], a[i+1]) > maxlen maxlen = comlen(a[i], a[i+1]) maxi = i[/CODE] I am not sure why he called the comlen function twice? Instead he could save the computed value in a temporary and use it to assign …

Member Avatar for rdxblast
Member Avatar for Vandithar

Hi, I am using ppm shell to install a perl module in windows. I have set http_proxy=http://localhost:8080. I don't have proxy server i am using TATA Indicom Connection. When i tried connecting and downloading perl module i got error like this: [code] ppm> install Mail::Sendmail Downloading Mail-Sendmail-0.79...failed 500 Can't connect …

Member Avatar for d5e5

The End.