32 Topics

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Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hey, I recently found out how to shutdown another's computer using yours at school with command prompt and when I tried it, it didn't work. Here's the code: shutdown -i and when I click on browse, it says that the server is unavailable. And here at my school, we login …

Member Avatar for Shinigetsu
Member Avatar for rela

Could someone please tell me how I can run my C++ code using Command prompt? How should I open it, and what I need to write? And if there are more than one text files in my code including input data, how I can choose one of them to run …

Member Avatar for CodeWarrior14
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

A feature of the doctest module can be useful when people copy and paste their idle window in the python forum: the ability to transform an example from the python interpreter into python code without the prompts [icode]>>>, ...[/icode] and the output messages. The script below permits to use this …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for thecoolman5

Hello everyone. I just have a simple question with command prompt in Windows 7. Is there any command that copies the text from a file onto the clipboard so I can paste it somewhere? All I want to do is start the batch file and press Control-V. Solutions?

Member Avatar for thecoolman5
Member Avatar for MidiMagic

I want to copy a folder full of folders to a backup on another disk. But if a duplicate filename already exists on the other disk, I want Windows to prompt to ask whether or not to replace the file for each file separately. Windows XP just gives me the …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for charles.dupree.37

Hi My name is C.D., I am currently taking C++ 1, I have an assignment that asks me to write a function that displays the prompt string and then reads a floating point number and then returns that number. The book gives an example of the code to use in …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^

Hi guys I need some explanation from you experts on php.I succeeded in installing MySql vers.5.5, workbench, myPhpAdmin and Wamp Server.I gave up installing Apache, too complicated, I use IIS7 anyway and works fine.All these tools work fine, I can create databases, tables, update them etc.and I am doing all …

Member Avatar for Fiorentino01^
Member Avatar for kitschkath

Hi there~ I am kinda coding a verrry simple information system which uses Javascript. I am not familiar with JS and I only know the basics, but maybe what I'll ask is a veeery simple one but oh well, should I be asking if I found a solution after searching …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for khushhappy

Dear All, i want to make a program through which, our chairman gets a prompt message one day before a deadline of a specific event comes. In database, il make a database fields like, **serialno, file, intial date, deadline date, status** how a user to get a deadline prompt message …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to stick a cmd window/process that i called from my vb form to the bottom of the form like the picture: (below) ![form2](/attachments/large/3/form2.png "form2") And so where ever i move the form the cmd windows will also follow. Also is …

Member Avatar for artemix22
Member Avatar for saltex

Hey all, Wanted to ask a question about the guest profile on Mountain Lion. I have always been a little insecure about changing and adding new feats to the terminal, so I'm trying to figure out a way that I can be *more* secure. I have recently edited both bash …

Member Avatar for macmad
Member Avatar for kny_jay88
Member Avatar for kny_jay88
Member Avatar for kapura.ftw

I found the syntax to change a user password through command prompt. I am using: net user username password I have sucessfully changed the password to a regular password. I can not figure out how to change it to a pass-sentence. How would I write the syntax for a password …

Member Avatar for kapura.ftw
Member Avatar for sunil1239

Hello Every one..... I'm developing a web page to generate 2 random numbers and prompt the values to the user and they need to add those numbers and give the result. I tried it a lot but the values are not passing to the prompt window... can anyone help me... …

Member Avatar for LaxLoafer
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if it's possible to attatch a command prompt window to a visual basic form. EG. (Below (i made this as an example)) ![example8](/attachments/small/3/example8.png "align-left") Something like that. Please help.

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for Pats2KDynasty

I have searched and nothing that I have found hits directly on what I am looking for (or maybe my searches have not hit on the combo of words). In C# I have created an Excel sheet, using Interop.Excel, in which I insert some data and create a chart. This …

Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I find in all books and websites that in order to run a Python script from the command prompt, I have to run something like this [CODE]python example.py 1.3[/CODE] where [B]example.py[/B] script is provided with an argument of 1.3. However, it is not working for me in Windows 7 …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for MasterMic

I'm attempting to recreate the Unix shell program "todo.txt" using C++ on Windows. An example use of my program in the Command Prompt would be: [CODE]>todo /A "I like cheese."[/CODE] which would append the item "I like cheese." to the file "todo.txt". In my program, there is a line which …

Member Avatar for MasterMic
Member Avatar for Usernamex235

Hi All, thanks in advance for any replies. Environment: PHP5, MySQL, Windows XP/Server 2000/Server 2003. Problem: Using shell_exec to run a small program connected to a database, waiting for it to finish and then outputting a file which was produced. All was fine until I got a new and larger …

Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi all. I'm trying to create custom prompt. When I click on the button, appears custom prompt and ask "Do you realy want to submit?". When I click "Yes", the form isn't submited. Here's html code: [CODE]<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="look.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </head> <body> <form name="novo" action="obrada.php" …

Member Avatar for ivan3510
Member Avatar for curiousstudent

I need to run a batch file batch file which is stored in my C folder. When I run this file, I get the following on the cmd. 1 APs were seen MAC Address SSID RSSI 00:27:0d:b6:df:10 IBM -93 Press any key to continue . . . Now, I need …

Member Avatar for Hummdis

I'm using Python and the Python CGI module to do some web development for a system's administrative access page. The problem I have is that the current features allow you to reboot the system, power off the system and stop/start/restart system services. The system is very limited in what's running …

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for manolisvl46

Hallo there everyone, i am using a command on the server (kinit)and after that a password is required to type in the thing is that i would like that to be done automaticaly from the php code! i found that one [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187736/command-line-password-prompt-in-php"]http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187736/command-line-password-prompt-in-php[/URL] but is not what i want(and is not …

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Member Avatar for Zcool31

Hello everyone. I am trying to write an application that uses OpenGL (with GLFW) for graphics. It is meant to be as portable as possible, and I try not to have direct interface with platform specific things other than through GLFW (I can also use SDL). The problem is that …

Member Avatar for Zcool31
Member Avatar for Quath217

I have an Add-In for Excel 2007 (can't post the code here unfortunately) and in some instances, when the user makes a certain change within the Add-In then closes Excel 2007, they are prompted to enter the password for the VB code within the Add-In. The password prompt dialog can …

Member Avatar for WolfPack

[COLOR=Red][B]This blog entry is regarding a registry hack for Windows XP. Be advised that twiddling with the registry requires care, and use the information here at your own risk. [URL="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;322756"]Backing up[/URL] the registry before proceeding is adviced. [/B][/COLOR] This is a based on the [URL="http://www.petri.co.il/add_command_prompt_here_shortcut_to_windows_explorer.htm"]Add Command Prompt Here[/URL] tweak that …

Member Avatar for mikeandike22

You can now put a bootable copy of windows on a USB flash drive and then use it as an easy way to recover your windows files if it crashes or just to bring your xp wherever. You need 3 things for this a USB drive with at least 256mb …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Get ready for [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/security"]Patch Tuesday[/URL]. July 13th will be the biggest update for 18 months, with no less than 12 security bulletins: 9 for the Windows OS, 2 for Office and 1 for Exchange. Of these, both Windows and Office updates include one flagged as critical, the highest Microsoft threat …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for kc0arf

The Washington Post, among other news agencies is reporting a "severe" security flaw that affects Microsoft Windows 98 - XP. According to the article, the flaw allows computer virus and spyware manufacturers to disribute malicious programs designd to take control of affected computers. Macintosh and Linux users are immune to …

Member Avatar for The Dude
Member Avatar for Catweazle

In between Service Packs a lot of 'Hotfix' updates are developed and made available. A number of them get made available via Windows Update as Critical updates because they relate to security issues, but most don't. Instead, the 'Hotfixes' which relate to specific problems get mentioned or linked in Knowledgebase …

Member Avatar for jwenting

The End.