7 Topics

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Member Avatar for estherschindler

I’m working on a blog post about this topic. I’d love to hear your suggestions! * What book(s) should someone read to come up to speed? * Why do you recommend that one? Note that the books don’t have to be peculiar to Redis. For example, someone suggested *Designing Data-Intensive …

Member Avatar for Vandiun
Member Avatar for Dani

Here is the function that I use here at DaniWeb to manage flood control. It keeps track of how often a specific user or IP address is making a request, and increments a counter. If there have been no requests after 5 minutes, the counter resets to 0. It returns …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm getting ` Session: Error while trying to free lock for ci_session` show up in the error log a couple times a minute, sometimes, and every 15 minutes other times. Using Redis for sessions. It's not happening on a different server that has almost the same code base and is …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Dazah API uses Redis to handle rate limiting. The goal is to limit every each client_id/user_id pair from making over 5,000 requests every 5 minutes. We use Codeigniter 3.x and it looks something like this: $flood_control = $CI->cache->get("user_limit:{$token_obj->client_id}:{$token_obj->user_id}"); if ($flood_control === false) { $CI->cache->save("user_limit:{$token_obj->client_id}:{$token_obj->user_id}", 0, 300); } else if ($flood_control …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for sidfarkus

I using Phpredis and am trying to get information from the following key called "statHistory" I am new to redis and not sure how to call each value individually. I am able to connect to redis using php and have tested it using the ping command. It has been two …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for freakyboard

I need to encode the sending messages/data(not MD5)and then they will be decoded on the other side. Codes have to be in android libraries not in java. Is there any code or information that may help me around internet? Thx all for your help.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

Hi guys, i have an application that seats on a single webserver that depends on a third party application running mssql, so i use mssql over free tds. now i have to scale this site so i have to think about how to handle the sessions. i ma basically looking …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.