15 Topics

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Member Avatar for ffonz

I managed to get the value of an enum via reflection. I have to use reflection since I have different objects with enums in them. But how do I get the name of the enum? Let's say I have [CODE] enum MyEnum { A, B } [/CODE] I can get …

Member Avatar for Oscar_5
Member Avatar for androidz

I made three projects the first one is a windows form, the second one is a class library and the third one is another class library to be the reference of the second and first projects. Inside my second Project which is a class library there are two files a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for thammalatha

Hi, I inherit the class called ListBox form CListBox and by using this class object I create a listbox containing two items in the listbox.when ever i select the item from the listbox the generated message should be handled by the control window by using WM_CONTROL_REFLECT mesage in ListBox message …

Member Avatar for thammalatha
Member Avatar for sciwizeh

I'm working on a Graph based Image editor. My current plan is to have Nodes of the graph be operations on the image, an operation will take a number of input buffers and manipulate them in some way (be it invert a single input, composite two inputs, draw a rectangle …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for barnum

I'm compiling assemblies in code called from a WebService (which makes user being IIS_USR, and TEMP-directory being C:\Windows\Temp). The assembly is created alright, but it's not loaded (get exception with "Access Denied"). I want to solve this by specifying where CompileAssemblyFromDom should put the assemblies. (I don't want to have …

Member Avatar for barnum
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hello, I'm creating a game editor and I'm at the current stage that I would like the ability to attach scripts to objects (by selecting the string of the method name to be called). That would be saved into the object's scripts to load / run array. That shouldn't be …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for ajst

Hi guys, I've been looking into reflection and was wondering if anyone had any good tutorials or a good use for it. I understand how it works but can't think of an example of when it would actually be used. A website with a task that needs reflection to solve …

Member Avatar for ajst
Member Avatar for dotnextnewb

Hello, Can anyone please help me with the Image Reflection. I want to put use some or group of images/icons in WPF App. I want their reflection as well. I am using Border opasitymask for each image but I think that is not the right way to code. I want …

Member Avatar for MoriEdan

Hi all i'm trying to make a plugin supported windows MDI application but my brain has stopped! i can't build algorithm! First of all my program will read dll's from plugin directory which is located at the same directory of my MDI parent application, i don't know what will i …

Member Avatar for MoriEdan
Member Avatar for nikelin

Helps to filter objects by interfaces and annotations their contains/implements with respect to parental relations.

Member Avatar for SimonSellick

Hi, Can anyone point me towards a working example of a plug-in architecture for C#/.Net 2? I am developing a simple task manager and I want the individual task types to have their own, separately compiled processors. These will conform to a common interface / API defined by the task …

Member Avatar for SimonSellick
Member Avatar for blackblizzard

Hi everyone. I'm having trouble emitting a call to a delegate whose type is unfinished at the time of the emit. I'll elaborate: I'm trying to dynamically (i.e., with a [inlinecode]TypeBuilder[/inlinecode]) create the following class: [code=C#] public MyClass { // Delegate type. The 'firstArgument' will be 'this', i.e., this is …

Member Avatar for blackblizzard
Member Avatar for PierlucSS

I'm currently working on some ajax polling stuff and I don't want do pass through all the process if nothing has changed in the xml file I'm using for my asynchronous process. However after each polling I want to set the value DateTime.Now, but cannot do it with [CODE]Request.Form[ "lastPoll" …

Member Avatar for PierlucSS
Member Avatar for sandeepbhutani

Hi, In my application if I get an exception I catch it and send stackTrace through email. I also need the values of parameters passed to this function. I can get the names of function and parameters using MethodBase class of System.Reflection. Please suggest how can I get the values …

Member Avatar for sid78669
Member Avatar for devnar

Hi, I'm trying to call a bunch of methods during run-time using reflection, but I'm getting an exception saying "IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments". Here's some information on the variables used. - All elements of mailTestClass[] are classes that extend AbstractTestCase. (FirstTestCase extends AbstractTestCase and FirstTestCase.class is the first element …

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The End.