4 Topics

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Member Avatar for gcardonav

Hi Guys, At my work I been provided a QAAWS that will provide me with certain. For privacy reason I cannot give you the actual QAAWS but it is simila to [this one](https://liveoffice.etosoftware.com/dswsbobje/qaawsservices/biws?WSDL=1&cuid=Afg7hriNfChBslO9TDgBqLc). I know how to create a web service and pulled the data using my own SQl queries …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for MICHAEL DENNIS

**Need assistance in using PHP to connect to webservice using SoapClient (I am kinda new to SOAP)** Here is the WSDL URL: https://uat.fiadmin.com/scs.webservice/ScsAutoService.asmx Here is the SOAP request from SoapUI with correct data in the fields: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:scs="http://www.natinc.com/SCSAutoService/"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <scs:GetRates> <scs:objGetRatesRequest> <scs:UserId>VPP</scs:UserId> <scs:Password>jBH5Mspc</scs:Password> <scs:TpaCode>DEMO</scs:TpaCode> <scs:ErrorMessage>0</scs:ErrorMessage> <scs:ErrorCode>0</scs:ErrorCode> <scs:RequestGroup>0</scs:RequestGroup> <scs:Trim>0</scs:Trim> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Determination_1

I want to test SSO (single sign-on) feature using soapUI (I have free version of soapUI 4.5). I need to prepare two requests. First one will have username/password but the second webservice call should use SSO feature and should work without providing username/password. So is there any tutorial for this. …

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Hi apostrophes not displaying in SOAPUI,Am using Java ws to display output in SOAPUI, am facing the problem in displaying apostrophes('), its displaying '&amp;'. any suggestion please.

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The End.