1,694 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dranix

In VS 2008, for example I have sql command like SELECT * FROM STUDENTS WHERE STUDENTID = @STUDENTID Then I append value into it, for example 15 How to I catch this sql command SELECT * FROM STUDENTS WHERE STUDENTID = 15 Thx in advance

Member Avatar for ZidaneXero
Member Avatar for nick447923

I am a beginning programmer and am having a problem with adding a record to a customer table in a Microsoft Access database. I have worked for hours reading my textbook and troubleshooting to no avail. When I execute this code below the record is not added and I do …

Member Avatar for nick447923
Member Avatar for Nfurman

Hello guys! I am developing simple desktop application that suppose to connect to SQL DB launched on remote server. Everything going fine, exept that when connecting to DB I get exeption "Login failed for user 'guest'." So, looks like i need to create some user with password and give him …

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Member Avatar for gianrocks

hey everyone need some help again, i have two computers both running in vista ultimate. one is a server and the other is like a terminal. my problem is, how do i connect the terminal to a database which is in the server? please provide me a step by step …

Member Avatar for gianrocks
Member Avatar for capiono

I am trying to return the value of a column if a condition is met: [CODE] cmd.CommandText = "SELECT plan_entity_id FROM PLANNER_INFO Where plan_id = plan_id"; cmd.Parameters.Add("plan_id", SqlDbType.Int, value); con.Open(); returnValue = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); [/CODE] for instance, if Plan_id is 1 it returns the entity ID which is equals to 1. …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for sid78669

This code demonstrates how age might be calculated and filtered using the DateDiff method in SQL. Also, note that both the parameters are set to NULL by default, hence making them 'optional' to a certain limit.

Member Avatar for treyk4

The title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm working on a PHP engine, and I'm trying to implement a SQL query generator. The hardest part of this will be designing the system for using the SELECT command. Are there any practices that I should try to follow when designing this, or any …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for jtok

I am working in VS2008. I use vb.net and asp.net. MS SQL2005 as database server. Occasionally when two sets of data are inserted at nearly the same time, I find that one has "stomped" on the other, over-writing it's data. The inserts are done via a stored proc using SCOPE_IDENTITY() …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for joewazen

Hello, can anyone help me find a document explaining a general way to design "Live" tables in SQL? i have an application linked to a db that contains live tables in it (tables that have records always updated, inserted, deleted and many applications read/write in it) my biggest worry is …

Member Avatar for happygeek

File under FAIL: social network widget maker RockYou has fallen victim to a SQL injection flaw and as a result some 32.6 million users are being urged to change their passwords as a matter of urgency. Security specialists Imperva discovered the problem at social networking development site Rockyou.com and issued …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for Rottieman

Hi, I need help with the following; Table 1 --------- Col A 1 2 3 4 5 Table 2 --------- Col A ColB 1 AA 2 BB 3 CC 4 DD 5 EE I need to look up say Table 1 Row 3, reference that to 'Table 2' but instead …

Member Avatar for Rottieman
Member Avatar for joewazen

Hello, I have a 4 GB DB on SQL 2005 and the same on on sql 2008 that is growing 60MB per day, My concern is that should i allocate an unused space to the DB so that the DB wont create space for itself everyday (load on the server), …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mxarievilo

I'm trying this: [CODE]$recordset = $conexao->Execute("select * from PRO where CDate(PRO_DTCAD)+PRO_DURAC BETWEEN DateAdd(\"d\", +15, NOW()");[/CODE] PRO_DTCAD is REGISTER DATA PRO_DURAC is DAYS TO EXPIRE But: [QUOTE]PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message '<b>Source:</b> Microsoft JET Database Engine<br/><b>Description:</b> Missing ), ], or Item in query expression 'CDate(PRO_DTCAD)+PRO_DURAC BETWEEN DateAdd("d", +15, …

Member Avatar for GL.Za

Hi everyone. Can someone please recommend a SQL editor (other than SQL Developer) that will allow me to test out my SQL statements & queries outside of the DB environment. I will predominantly be working in a windows environment, but may move to a linux environment at times. Will be …

Member Avatar for birdman32
Member Avatar for airpricing

I am using MS ACCESS, and have 4 tables to update, from 2 different tables/spreadsheet Where table tb1- Client Index, Name, address and zip. tb2- user index, Sales rep, client index tb3- user index, Managers tb4- client index, Sales Target Master 1 has Name, address, Sales target and sales rep …

Member Avatar for chuckc
Member Avatar for ShemoPT

I am trying to read data from remote SQL base. I have written the function that works great if you need to get 1 Value , but when I want to read 2 or more value at from one query it doesn't work how can I fix it? [CODE]Imports System.Data.SqlClient …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for helpme!!

I am trying to produce a query using a java server page which will go through all the elements in an arraylist to see if there are any matches, can anyone help? Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for rje7

Are there different SQL extensions? What are the extensions for Data Mining and Warehousing?

Member Avatar for rje7
Member Avatar for Lakshith

In my database I have a field date and eventname.I want to retieive eventnames after the current date.How can I do it?

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for cVz

I get the following message when executing a stored procedure. [COLOR="Red"]The query has exceeded the maximum number of result sets that can be displayed in the results grid. Only the first 100 result sets are displayed in the grid.[/COLOR] However , i cannot change the fact that the SP uses …

Member Avatar for dh111

Is this the right place to ask the following? I have 2 tables in two different MS Access DB's. Access allows the ability of inserting data from DBA.table1 into DBB.table1, using the format [dba].[table1].[dbb].[table1]. Here's my problem. Using a single SQL Statement I can't figure out the following. DBA.table1 has …

Member Avatar for huangzhi
Member Avatar for HelpMeIT

I need a way of adding data to a database using my delphi form i can handle the sql to add data to a database on ms access but i just do not know how to do it through a delphi form. In other word i just need to know …

Member Avatar for fayyaz
Member Avatar for edotman

Hi guys, I have created a site where users can upload videos(mp4) and images(jpg & gif). The upload script sends the uploaded file to a folder on a remote server, and the filepath is stored in MYSQL. Can any one tell how i go about playing the stored videos or …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for mattyp791

Hi, I am trying to create a search function on an html page. I have written the page and part of a php page. I trying to get help with the search as there are 3 criteria; So far I have made this search form; (textbox name=searchterm) [B]Brand[/B]: (dropdown name=type) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for azamsalam

i am using SSRS 2005. In my dataset there are some blank rows and in SSRS is showing blank rows. Is there a way that i just show rows with data and ignore blank rows. i set the visibility property but it is showing blank line. dataset: a b c …

Member Avatar for azamsalam
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi everyone, I sat down to create a what I thought was simple SQL query but once I got thinking about it I realised I'm not sure where to start. The objective is to return two resorts from a Resorts table for each country code in that table. Countries table …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for opatut

Hi Community! I have already searched the whole web about this Problem, and I didn't find anything. Maybe you can help... I want to show the number of all SQL queries I executed to load a web page. It is a very complex system I programmed, and I don't want …

Member Avatar for opatut
Member Avatar for Wiizl

I'm using this piece of code to get the number of search results. However it says- Incorrect syntax near ')' (the very last ')' ) [CODE] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT ID, ProductDescription FROM Products WHERE ProductDescription LIKE '%tech%') [/CODE] The inner select works fine and gives correct results, so I …

Member Avatar for Wiizl
Member Avatar for jasperjerome

Greetings! I am hoping someone can help me with a MS SQL query/view problem. I am creating a "name my new baby" website where parents can upload a picture of their child and have users cast votes for a good name. Users will see the child's photo and they will …

Member Avatar for kool.net
Member Avatar for abu taher

[CODE]Sub QryReport() On Error Resume Next Dim QryDef As QueryDef Dim str As String Set QryDef = dbase.QueryDefs("balancesheet") dbase.QueryDefs.Refresh If Err.Number = 3265 Then Set QryDef = dbase.CreateQueryDef("balancesheet") dbase.QueryDefs.Refresh End If str = "select * from [balancesheet]" & _ " where Date ='" & Dtpicker.Value & "'" QryDef.SQL = str …

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The End.