19 Topics

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Python-wxPython Tutorial This tutorial will take you through the basics of wxPython. ##Introduction: Let's face it. I am a dinosaur. I got my computer science degree in the mid 70s. And it won't be long before **I** am in **my** mid 70s. So why am I trying to learn Python? …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Felix Arba

Hi guys , I'm giving you the full C# project I have uploaded , since I'm working with windows form , so you can see the source code and run it . http://www.sendspace.com/file/u7z6h0 And now , to explain my problem . The program I wanted to make is sudoku solver …

Member Avatar for Felix Arba
Member Avatar for dxprogrammer

/* This is source code of function which solves sudoku, function returns 1 if solution exists and 0 if not exist. In case if solution exists, you have resolution in entry parameter of this function You can run this function in function main() eg. if(sudoku(T)) print(T); where print(T) is group …

Member Avatar for nitin1
Member Avatar for cthajeb

Hi, I am writing a sudoku solver program that uses recursion to solve all the empty cells. However, I have no idea why my function did not do anything. I read in my puzzle as double char array and convert it to double int array. My output is : 900020750 …

Member Avatar for PrimePackster

Hi guys, I have been working on a sudoku solver, that finds solution by brute forcing during my school days.... But due to the huge number of loops i couldn't do it at then.... SO decided to complete it now.... So here the algorithm: 1. Get the number of fixed …

Member Avatar for Gonbe
Member Avatar for FUTURECompEng

I am going to be honest here, I am completley lost on trying to figure this out. I am trying to create a sudoku solver using sat4j for a 9x9 puzzle. I am trying to read a partially filled board and, by using a Satisability solver it finds a legal …

Member Avatar for Swith

I have been trying to write a program in Pascal (free pascal compiler, Lazarus IDE) that solves an uncompleted entered sudoku. I am moderately new to programming/pascal/lazarus, and so I have no idea how to use the debugging features. I have read through the code several times but I can't …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ownedbynothing

this is Sudoku.java this is the main class. Reminder does the time keeping, the SudokuBoardDisplay displays the board and draws images. The one who handles the logic is the SudokuModel How do I make the images clickable and do something. how to display the remaining time as JLabel ....? i …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for Jake Black

Hello I have wrote a c program to solve sudokus, and i would like to know if i can draw the grid and fill it using ncurses library. i just would like to know how to control the lines and borders of boxes in ncurses thank you very much

Member Avatar for rupes0610

I have a Sudoku puzzle and I need to make sure that each row and column have each number 1 through 9. What is the easiest way of doing this? The code snippet that I have so far is below. public static boolean rowsAreValid(int[][] array){ for(int i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for hfx642
Member Avatar for BlackStar0703

Hi, I'm currently trying to program a sudoku solver. As a beginner I wrote pseudocode to establish what I'd have to do. One of the first things was to make sure each number in each of the 3 x 3 grids aren't equal to any of the others. Here is …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Candace Parker

Sudoku in C++. The program works but how do I check the minisquares? Please gimme a function. :( Pretty please? [code] #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int rowSize=9; const int columnSize=9; const int arraySize=9; int a[arraySize]; int print_values[rowSize][columnSize]={9,4,2,5,1,8,3,7,6, 7,1,6,4,2,3,5,8,9, 3,8,5,7,6,9,4,2,1, 1,6,3,8,4,2,7,9,5, 4,2,7,1,9,5,6,3,8, 8,5,9,6,3,7,2,1,4, 6,3,8,9,7,4,1,5,2, 5,7,4,2,8,1,9,6,3, 2,9,1,3,5,6,8,4,7}; bool …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Blazikaen

hi... can anyone light me on an algorithm to solve sudoku...actually i did solve a few sudokus to know how this is done. Eventhough i managed to do the sudokus by paper and pencil, i can't figure out an algorithm to solve it. I googled for algorithms but everything ends …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for Ash11th

Hi Guys !! I'm new to this forum so please excuse me if i'm not posting my problem correctly. I have been given a project to make a program in C++ that solves a given sudoku problem. Here is what i did : [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int board[9][9]; int checkrow(int t, …

Member Avatar for Ash11th
Member Avatar for ladybug24

Hi Daniweb community! I started learning javascript in school, and the best way to learn is to get into it. So I found a Sudoku game online "http://iphone.janjanousek.cz/isudoku/" and download the files on to my hard drive with much success (all the scripts). The game and site is very well …

Member Avatar for ManCard67

To be honest, i'm really bad with c++ but it's required for my major. We have to make a sudoku program, that reads from a file, inputs the data into a 9 by 9 grid (of 2d array), inputs numbers till the grid is solved, then check for valid moves, …

Member Avatar for Sky Diploma
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

I had posted here already here to forum a [beautiful code for solving Sudoku puzzles](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/python/code/294304/eleagant-and-fast-sudoku-with-generator-expressions), so I was in kind of dilemma what to do, as I read the task to do a sudoku solve as one task in Project Euler. To use the code from before and just take …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for maniakdusoleil

So, I'm working on a project for my Intro to Software Development course; it's a sudoku puzzle program. So far, I've encountered two big bugs: 1.) When I wrote the code in Visual C++, the display worked fine(it showed up on the screen as a normal puzzle), but when I …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

See the link ([URL="http://norvig.com/sudoku.html"]Solve Every Sudoku Puzzle[/URL] for fine description of logic of the code) I attach the top95.txt file of tough problems and the sudoku claimed toughest of all time by Finnish mathematician Arto Inkala ([URL="http://www.kristanix.com/sudokuepic/worlds-hardest-sudoku.php"]The Worlds Hardest Sudoku Puzzle[/URL]) Solving this was piece of cake for the code, …

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The End.