41 Topics

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Member Avatar for annndrey

Hello! I've got a question about implementation of a standart tree model for TreeView. I have a response from database that lools like [ [A, [a,b,c]], [B,[a,b,c]], . . . [N,[a,b,c]] ] And I want to pass it through treemodel to treeview, for in GUI it looks like that: A …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Yogesh_5
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Alright, so I found a tutorial on how to use lists to make a "TreeList" type thing, basically a list, ordered or unordered, that has a nested list that is collapsible. However, it doesn't seem to be working for me. Here's some code that I'm sure you will figure out. …

Member Avatar for Arturo32

Hi guys, I need to create a web application in my job using Java, so i started using Netbeans 7.4, and started a new project. Im trying to develop a web application that will be hosted in a server, so i selected Web Application from the Java Web folder. Is …

Member Avatar for Arturo32
Member Avatar for ogsirus

Hi guys, I have 2 forms which do practical the same thing. They are supposed to show a preview of a file which has been selected from a treeview. However the first form works fine and the second one doesn't. When I look into it the second form produces a …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I have a problem with a treeview class in my windows form. Specifically I'm try to detect when a user has expanded or contracted a node verses if they have clicked/selected the actual node. When the user clicks on the node, I want to expand / contract the …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for idlackage

Is there a way to have multiple search entries for one TreeView, each for a different column, or having one search entry handle all columns? The effect I'm looking for is (for example) having three columns, and thus typing into three search boxes to narrow down to the results that …

Member Avatar for Pundia

Hi! I have a little question. I'm new to WPF, and I've been working with DevExpress, I'm with the TreeListControl right now. How can I change the data format in a field? Specifically, I have a string with the url or route of an image, and I want the tree …

Member Avatar for Pidgetastic

I'm trying to create a treeview which is mostly populted by a database. I have two code snippets which on their own work fine but when I place them together it won't seem to work no matter what I try. Main Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for sai.ande

I have used treeview to display a local folder. There are few pictures in the hierarchy of folders. I want them to display thumbnails and when I clicked on them it should display bigger view. How is it possible. I wish to use jQuery with Asp.Net and C#

Member Avatar for neoseeker191

I have looked through a few SQL hierarchy tutorials, but none of them made much sense for my application. Perhaps I am just not understanding them correctly. I'm writing a C# ASP.NET application and I would like to create a tree view hierarchy from SQL data. This is how the …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Greetings :) I'm trying to intercept some Win32 messages; in particular I want to respond to a [icode]TVN_GETDISPINFO[/icode] notification. This notification is sent in the form of a [icode]WM_NOTIFY [/icode](see [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb773518(v=vs.85).aspx"]here[/URL]) and contains a pointer to [icode]NMTVDISPINFO [/icode]which gives access to a [icode]TVITEM[/icode]. [icode]TVITEM [/icode]has a [icode]LPTSTR pszText[/icode] field that …

Member Avatar for UndoRejected

hi all I need help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my project uses asp.net and sql database I use treeview to insert and retrieve hierarchical data from the database I used the following code the problem is when I added the code for the retrieval the insertion has a problem where I can't add …

Member Avatar for raheel_88

Hi everyone, I have been working with VB6 for about a week now, so I'm still a newbie. I have a pretty big project coming up and I have a question relating to the capabilities of VB6. I want a GUI that has a "Model" tree on the left, and …

Member Avatar for Jeff-Bennett
Member Avatar for sachintha81

Can someone please tell me what is the event that is triggered when a user clicks on the + sign in C# TreeView? To elaborate more, here is my problem. I have a tree view that is populated at the time of Form_Load. Then the user can expand/collapse/select etc with …

Member Avatar for jerry32uk
Member Avatar for churni

Hi All I am creating a program which will (in the end) help me quickly transfer products from one category into another within a MySQL Database. I have a database with TWO separate tables which are connected using INNER JOIN where the products have a categoryID as do the categories …

Member Avatar for invisal
Member Avatar for MB1711

I have a TreeView control in VS 2010 that I need to be able to INSERT (not add) nodes to. I have stored a unique key in the TAG for each node and know how to find the value of the tag in the tree. However, I can't figure out …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bouhbob

Hi there, I've made this page in html: [url]http://www.greenbeanbaby.com/retailers.php[/url] with drop-down menus that work. But when I try to make it dynamic for my client to update it, I'm stuck! The drop downs don't work. Here is the code I'm using: [CODE]$r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM retailer"); $varloop=1; echo "<div id='wrap'>"; while(list($idr, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dyahalifda

Hai all,, Currently I'm writing code in ASP.NET using VB language. I got an issue regarding dropdownlist. In my form, I have a treeview and a dropdownlist which are populated with data from database. When I click a node in treeview, the dropdownlist should be populated with values based on …

Member Avatar for dyahalifda
Member Avatar for staticclass

Hi, I have an application with a treeview, with each node(child) linked to a file. I can read the file name and extension, and I want to put icons to the left of the treeview nodes. (see the picture) For example, if the file is .xls, I will put an …

Member Avatar for zachattack05
Member Avatar for neoseeker191

The application is currently developed using ASP.NET (C#) I have code to pull data from a SQL Server 2008 table and organize it into an hierarchy: [code=sql] With hierarchy (id, [location id], name, depth, trail) As ( -- selects the "root" level items. Select ID, [LocationID], Name, 1 As depth, …

Member Avatar for JakeA

hi! how can i populate a treeview with this: [CODE]ObservableCollection<ProjectTreeview> trvProject = new ObservableCollection<ProjectTreeview>() { new ProjectTreeview(){ID=1, ParentID=0, Type="P", Name="Project Name"}, new ProjectTreeview(){ID=2, ParentID=1, Type="F", Name="Field 1"}, new ProjectTreeview(){ID=3, ParentID=1, Type="F", Name="Field 2"}, new ProjectTreeview(){ID=4, ParentID=2, Type="S", Name="Structure A"}, new ProjectTreeview(){ID=5, ParentID=3, Type="S", Name="Structure B"}, new ProjectTreeview(){ID=6, ParentID=4, Type="C", Name="Component …

Member Avatar for abelLazm
Member Avatar for Sean87

Hi all, I can't figure out how to select a child node when I already know its parent [Index] and the child's [Index] itself. Imagine a treeview like this: + Parent[0] |--- Child [0] |--- Child [1] + Parent[1] |--- Child [0] |--- Child [1] |--- Child [2] So how …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for coastcode

I'm trying to create a tree with the following very small access database. I'm still getting a few errors, 'rdr' is a 'variable' but used like a 'method' and trying to get tree to actually populate.. If you find any other errors or recommendations, they're greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mindbend

Hello people, I decided to make a family tree as a graduation project, I've thought about multiple ways to make it, but I like some fresh ideas, in case i forgot some things. I'm trying to keep the project as easy as possible, because in the end I will need …

Member Avatar for lgriess

I have a very weird problem with my TreeView OnSelectedNodeChanged event. I have dynamically populated the whole tree via sql and one table. Everything was working correctly until I tried to add rdls to the mix, My treeview populates correctly but when I try to add two reports to my …

Member Avatar for RehabReda

hi all hope that all of u are fine : ) well i want to draw a tree [B]not a binary tree[/B] but i can't find an efficient algorithm to draw it the big problem when the tree is unbalanced Thanks ur help will be greatly appreciated : )

Member Avatar for swinefish
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, In my ASP.NET page I have a TreeView where ShowCheckBoxes="Leaf". I want to mark as checked/unchecked all the visible checkboxes by clicking in a button. My code for selecting all/none nodes is like this: [CODE=javascript]function selectAllNone(tvID, value) { var tvNodes = document.getElementById(tvID); var chBoxes = tvNodes.getElementByTagName("input"); for (var i …

Member Avatar for ananthat
Member Avatar for LotusShiv

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 application (VS.Net 2008/C#). I want to populate the Treeview on my page using javascript. So far I have heard not so positive views about populating using javascript. Still I want to give it a shot. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for LotusShiv
Member Avatar for Alexpap

Hello everybody, For the last 2 days im trying to deal with a treeview. What i want to do is to copy the structure from one tree to another. I know there are other ways to do this, but the way i want is to iterate through any node-of any …

Member Avatar for nick.crane

The End.